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"I’d lovesome." The older woman wandered over to the tree and Allisonwatched as she stood there staring at the bright bulbs, reaching outto touch one.
"My husbandloved Christmas as well." She turned to Allison who’d comeup behind her. "His name was Andrew. He died," Her eyesturned misty. "He and my son died in a traffic accident. Did youknow him?"
Allison felt herheart breaking just a little. Taking her hand, she led her into thekitchen and away from the tree. "I did. He was a beautifulperson. They both were."
"I miss themevery day." Rachel said tearfully as she sat around the counter.
"It’s onlynatural." Turning away, Allison prepared the ingredients to makethe hot chocolate, the way the woman sat at the counter had taughther.
"You’reAllison." She said suddenly.
Turning away from thesaucepan, she gave her mother a whimsical smile.
"Yes, I am."
"You’re mydaughter."
"Yes, I am”
She nodded. “You’remaking hot chocolate."
"The way youtaught me."
"Let me gratethe chocolate."
"No." Sheshook her head. "I’m fine. I want to help."
"Okay."Handing the task over, she watched carefully as her mother set abouthandling the familiar task. Within minutes, the heady scent of hotchocolate filled the room. Taking out mugs and a pie she’dbought at the local pastry shop, she cut it into slices as her motherfinished making the beverage.
The familiar scene ofboth of them working in the kitchen filled her with such nostalgiathat she felt tears burning the back of her eyes.
Deciding to let go ofher troubles, she settled in to enjoy the time with her mother.
Christmas had neverbeen a time of happiness for him. Not even after he’daccumulated his wealth and built his company. He never had a familyand presents under the tree. There’d never been a tree come tothink of it.
Only the ones he’dseen at other people's homes whenever he’d walk the streets andget a peek inside. He recalled watching wistfully through the openwindow at kids gathered around the decorated tree, with parentslooking on with smiles on their faces and wanted that to be him.
Now, he didn’tgive a damn about any of it. He’d left the old man's place andcame straight to the club where they’d be having a celebration.He was going to be spending the night or possibly two nights beforecalling his pilot to get his jet ready. He had some business inHawaii to see to.
He’d drink andgamble - there was usually a card game or two going on. His usualfriends - if he could call them that - were mostly married and athome with their families. He’d been teased over the past aboutfinding himself a wife and settling down.
"One day."Had been his response. He supposed he should start looking. He neededan heir. His mind shied away from the woman he’d taken in theback of his Porsche. Since that day, he hadn’t been able todrive the car.
The scent of herperfume was still heavy in the interior and he could swear that hecould see signs of their combined juices on the leather seat. Shakinghis head to get rid of the erotic image of her nipples soaked withhis saliva, he entered the card room and signaled for his usualdrink.
"She lookswell." Michael murmured as they both watched Rachel talking to aneighbor. He was balancing his glass of homemade eggnog and a plateof cookies Rachel had made. They were inside the living room with theelectronic fire burning in the hearth.
"She does. Wehad fun cooking up a storm. She did most of the cooking."
"I could tell bythe taste." He grinned at the dirty look she gave him. "Andshe recognized me. She called me by my name."
"Last night shewas reminiscing about her husband and son. She was telling me a storyabout when they went to Europe for the first time. I was there.”