Page 13 of Nash

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Page 13 of Nash

She loved the artsand when she found out that Hamilton Industries had invested heavilyin this particular gallery, she’d decided to attend. Aninvitation had been issued to several members of staff includingpeople in her department.

"Damn straight."He muttered, intelligent, sharp hazel eyes roving over the crowd."You look lovely by the way. The dress is a perfect choice."He added, admiring the red, flowing dress she was wearing. Her hairwas loose for a change, the thick dark curls floating around herface.

"Why, thankyou." She inclined her head gracefully. "What do youthink?" Dragging him over to several paintings on the wallfacing them, she nodded at the artwork. "I like her style."Leaning forward, she peered at the signature scrawled at the edge ofthe canvas. "Miriam. Just Miriam."

"She’s theowner of the gallery. Or part owner." Michael studied the slashof colors of the haunting painting with a woman sat next to abathtub, her eyes raised to the brilliant blue sky, and a pensiveexpression on her face.

A man was leaningagainst a thick oak tree, a pipe clamped between his teeth, lookingoff toward a flowing stream. "Your employer is personallyinvested in the place. Rumor has it they’re involved."

Her head swung aroundto look at him. "What?"

Michael smiled. "Myinvestigative skills are the best. She’s the only constant inhis life." His head lifted to search out the man in question andfound him standing beside the artist. The woman was wearing a bluedress that clung to her upper body like a glove. Her hand was tuckedthrough his arm and they looked intimate.

"She was the onewho saved him when he was on the streets, gave him a roof over hishead and food to eat. Rumor has it that even though he’d beenseventeen at the time and she some ten years older, they werelovers."

"She wastwenty-seven and took advantage of a teenager." Allison's lipscurled in what she hoped was disgust and not jealousy, which would beridiculous.

Michael laughedsoftly. "I’d say he took advantage of her. In any case, itpaid off for her. As soon as he started making money, he sent her toart school and invested in her career. She’s very wealthy now."

"He’s herewith someone." They both watched as a sleek, blonde lady waltzedover to the couple and he left with her to another section of theroom.

"Watch how ourdear artist is trying hard to pretend she isn’t bothered byit."

"How on earth doyou know all of this?"

"I’m aninvestigator, darling." He grabbed two glasses of champagne andhanded her one. "I was doing a piece on the illustrious NashHamilton and dug deep. I wanted to write a personal story of rags toriches. He turned me down and I was ordered to kill the piece."He lifted the glass to his lips and took a sip of the bubbly. "Moneytalks."

"He doesn’tlike his personal life to be out there."

"Hence themystery shrouding him. Shall we go and partake of some of thosedelicious finger foods? I think I spy caviar."

Across the room, Nashfound his eyes wandering around until he saw the couple. He felt thefamiliar tightening inside his belly, the knot growing bigger as hestared at the woman. She was laughing at something the man next toher was saying.

Even from thatdistance, he could make out the dimples in her cheeks and thewhiteness of her smile. Her hair was loose around her face, givingher a younger, more relaxed look. He knew members of staff had beeninvited but he hadn’t expected to see her.

Here he was with abeautiful woman and he couldn’t take his eyes off one who washis employee. That was what he had to keep reminding himself. Sheworked for him, which meant he couldn’t sleep with her, butsleep wasn’t what he had in mind. It was something much morecomplicated and involved.

"Darling?"The voice to his left had him dragging his gaze from Allison Simpson.


“I’mthinking of purchasing the entire barnyard pieces. They’d lookperfect in the beach house in Malibu."


"I want to goand make a bid before they’re all gone."

He was about toaccompany her when he noticed the couple coming toward him.

"Why don't yougo ahead. I’ll catch up." Turning to the couple, henodded. "Ms. Simpson."

"Mr. Hamilton."Her voice was coolly remote and he remembered their last encounterhad been disastrous. "I’d like you to meet Michael-"

"I know who heis." She could feel the tension between the two men. "Excellentwork on the piece in South Korea."

"Thank you."Michael inclined his head mockingly. "And the gallery is doingwell. The lovely artist has done wonders to the place. I must go andcongratulate her. If you’d excuse me." Before Allisoncould protest, he was making his way across the room and leaving heralone with her boss.

"You’re acouple?"

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