Page 12 of Nash
“What does thismean?”
“It means Ipaint from the heart.” She shrugged and shoved her hands intothe pockets of her smock.
“And this issupposed to represent what?” He was looking at her withnarrowed eyes.
“It’s nobig deal.” She told him defensively.
“I can’tlove you.” He told her brutally. “I’m eternallygrateful for the help you offered, for being here for me when I wasgoing through everything. We’re friends and I respect you morethan anyone, but that’s it.”
“You left outthe part where we have sex.”
“That can stopat any time.”
“You’remaking a big deal out of nothing.”
“Am I?”Switching his gaze from her to the painting, he saw what AllisonHamilton had seen and felt a clench in his gut. He liked andrespected Miriam, the woman had stood by him.
Having sex with herhad been a convenience while he was in between relationships. Whichhe was at the moment. The last one had ended three months ago. VivianLodge was a well-known actress, a beautiful woman, but she’dwanted more than he was prepared to give her so he ended it before itbecame too ugly.
“Yes. Look,what I feel for you is entirely on me.” She ran a hand throughher hair. “I know you, Nash, I’ve known you for years andI’ve never expected anything from you.” She pursed herlips.
“You gave methis beautiful apartment and invested heavily in the gallery,elevating me in ways I never dreamed. I’m okay with what wehave.” Her expression was pleading. “Things don’thave to change between us.” Moving toward him, she took thepainting from him and put it down. “Are you going to help me ornot?”
She held her breathas he stood there staring at her as if fighting an internal battle.Then with a brief nod, he gestured to the pile by the large baywindow. “Let’s start there.”
Flinging himself intothe comfortable chair behind his desk inside his home office, hestretched his legs out and stared broodingly into the scotch he’djust poured.
He’d finishedpicking out the appropriate paintings with Miriam and changed hismind about taking her to bed. He’d seen the disappointment onher face before she managed to cover it up with a smile.
After what he’ddiscovered this afternoon, he hadn’t thought it was appropriateto have sex. Now, he was sexually frustrated and his mind was on awoman who was an employee. Lifting the glass, he took a deep gulp,closing his eyes as the liquid slid smoothly down his throat.
Work had always beena panacea for him. He’d found it a challenge to swoop in, takeover a company, and turn it into something spectacular.
He’d senthimself to night school, knowing that having the hands-on touchwasn’t going to be enough. He’d gone back to school andthen to college where he’d researched everything he could gethis hands on to offset the costs of a college tuition. Now, he was acaptain of the industry, as the magazines said.
Taking a deep breath,he allowed his mind to drift to the encounter in his office. He’doverreacted and his usual cool and unflappable behavior wasnoticeably absent. He’d lost his temper because of theunfamiliar feeling stirring inside his body. Sat next to her, he’dsmelled her subtle perfume and noticed the flawlessness of hercocoa-brown skin.
His lips tilted inamusement as he recalled her comment about common courtesy. She wasbrave, he had to give her that.
She’d marchedout of his office squaring her shoulders. His smile faded as herecalled how he’d wanted to haul her into his arms and kiss heruntil they were both weak with need. Lunging to his feet, he went topour another drink, ignoring the voice telling him he’d hadenough.
Taking the glass withhim, he leaned against the window, staring out at the darkness. Hisloft was fairly private, with perimeter fencing high enough to keepout the prying eyes of the public. The place had originally been anold warehouse that he’d decided to convert into a home.
It was as much of ahome as he would ever have. When he started making money, he’dlived in hotel rooms for a year, unwilling to put down roots becausehe had no idea how to do so. Then, common sense had kicked in and hedecided to be practical. Drinking the rest of the liquor, he put downthe glass and left the office.
Chapter 4
"I hate thesethings." Michael muttered, tugging at his sweater. "Toomany socialites vying to be in front of the camera."
"You’re areporter; this should be right up your street.” Allison teasedhim.
“I’m aninvestigative reporter, not some joker with a camera taking shots andtrying to find out who’s screwing who."
"I keepforgetting how respectable you are." Her eyes danced as shelaughed at him. She’d blackmailed him into accompanying her tothe showing at the gallery because she didn’t want to arrive onher own. Michael Sutherland was a good friend who had been in hercorner since she was a teenager.
His career as aninvestigative reporter had taken him to some remote areas all overthe world and he was just back from a stint in South Korea where he’dbeen investigating a particular gang that had been terrorizing theresidents and sending fear throughout the country. Now, he was backand she’d persuaded him to dress up and come as her date.