Page 5 of Twenty-Two Unforgettable Hours
The jet landed and Dean said, “It’s not easy finding someone you can trust to run things when you’re not there. I’ve been burned a few times myself. Maybe that is why I’m so cynical. Tessa tells me that I need to be more...understanding. Forgiving.”
“I’m sure there are people who’d say the same thing about me. I’m not as easygoing as you may believe. It’s just that Trye has been with me from the beginning. This is out of character for him. He’s been a loyal employee and I feel as though I owe him at least the opportunity to explain what happened.”
“You will probably make fewer enemies with that approach,” he said.
That was one of my goals. We deboarded, and the SUV I had ordered was waiting for me. “I guess that’s my ride. Do you need me to drop you off at the resort?” I asked.
“No. Alex should be here shortly.”
I grabbed my luggage. “Hope your business pitch with Alex goes well too.”
“I have a feeling he’s not interested. He’s happy just writing his stories. Who knows, maybe you’ll be interested if he’s not,” Dean said.
I hoped he was joking because I didn’t want to be tied to the Hendersons that closely and being a partner in a business with them was more than I could handle. Not because I was afraid ofthem, but because we would butt heads too frequently. Like all the time. “Thanks, but I’m good with the one business I’ve got now. Not looking at starting another.”
“Yeah, I thought not, but I had to ask. Too bad. It was a good idea. Well, at least I can enjoy the warm weather while I’m here. Tessa told me it was snowing back in Boston. The kids were begging to go skiing again. I was okay with no snow for a while,” he replied.
“Yeah. I’ll never get used to the cold. For me, there’s no place like home.” Tabiq is a beautiful lush tropical island. I didn’t mind visiting Boston, but I’d rather be surrounded by our tall teakwood trees than all those skyscrapers. “Thanks again for letting me tag along on the flight.”
“My pleasure. Good luck.”
This wasn’t about luck. It was about learning the truth. Hopefully, Trye and I could still work together after that. “Thanks.” I climbed into the SUV and headed to the factory.
When I arrived, Almi was out on the floor doing a final inspection. When he caught sight of me, he stopped what he was doing and rushed over.
“Mr. Rio. I didn’t know you were returning today,” he said, looking around, quite nervously.
“I’m here to see Trye. Let me guess. He’s in his office,” I said.
“I...I’m not sure. Maybe. Possibly he is out on an... errand,” Almi stammered.
What kind of errand would require him to go instead of sending one of the staff? And why was Almi so jittery? Had Trye told him how pissed I was about the late shipments? They say shit rolls downhill. Maybe I told Trye off and he told Almi off.
“I’ll let you get back to work. If you need me, I’ll be in my office. If you see Trye before I do, please tell him I am looking for him,” I said and left him to return to what he was doing.
I wasn’t going to head right for my office. Even if Trye wasn’t there, I wanted to see what was going on in his office. The door was closed so I knocked. No answer. I turned the knob, and it was locked. The light was shining from beneath the door. Was he there and ignoring me like he’s been doing for the past month? He was not going to be happy when he did see my face finally.
I pulled out my keys and unlocked the door. When I turned the knob, it opened this time. It didn’t look like anyone was there, yet his laptop was open and on. I walked around the desk to close it when I noticed a pair of high heels and slender legs tucked under the desk.
What the hell?
“Who the hell are you andwhat are you doing in here?” I snapped.
She knew she was caught, and slowly backed out from beneath the desk. When she raised her hand to lift herself upright, I took hold of her assisting her until she was stable. She was short enough to fit in the small quarters. Her dress was modest, but it also clung to enhance her curves. When my eyes made their way up to her face, there was only one word to describe her.Gorgeous.
I could easily let her looks distract me. But I hadn’t come back to Tabiq for a woman. I was here to save my business. Asking again in a firmer tone, “I am asking for the last time, who are you and what are you doing in here?”
“I’m...I’m here for...the...laptop,” she stammered.
“You were stealing it?” I asked, surprised. It wasn’t even Trye’s property. It belonged to me, and I never authorized it to be used by anyone other than Trye.
She shook her head vigorously. “I...I was getting it for...Mr. Mayas,” she said.
That was not much of an explanation. “Since I do all the hiring, I’d know if you worked here or not. So don’t waste mytime trying to pretend as though you work here,” I warned. “How did you get into this office? And why are you taking the laptop? Answer carefully or I will call the authorities and have you arrested.”
My hand was still on her arm, and I felt her trembling. I hated using my size and position to intimidate her, but I needed answers. I saw her eyes begin to glisten and I knew the waterworks were about to start. A woman’s way to get out of everything. Not something I was used to seeing here in Tabiq, but I’d been witness to enough of it in my travels. I was about to tell her that tears didn’t work on me, but I didn’t need to.
She puffed up her chest and stood up straight. Looking me directly in the eyes, in a firm tone, she said, “Mr. Rio, I do not appreciate being manhandled. Please remove your hands from me.”