Page 4 of Twenty-Two Unforgettable Hours
“I can’t wait to see you. There is so much I need to tell you,” I replied.
“Is everything okay?” he questioned.
If I told him now how the orders were backed up and that Mr. Rio wasn’t happy, it might make him question if he should return at all. “Yes. It’s fine. I...I just miss you so very much.”
“I miss you too, Ovi. I’ll be home before you know it.”
Just not soon enough.
“I love you,”
“I love you too. Thank you for everything you have done for me. I am not sure how I would’ve been able to get through all of this if you hadn’t,” he stated.
And I couldn’t have done it without Almi’s help.
“We are family. We take care of each other.”
“Yes, Ovi. We are family. And I’ll see you soon.”
He ended the call, and I sat there just staring at my phone wishing it would ring again. It didn’t. But I was wide awake now. I could stay here in the office and try to work, or I could get in my car and go home, shower and change, and get ready for another workday. If it was anything like this past one, I should at least try to get a few hours of shut-eye. I needed to be back here in a couple of hours to do it all over again.
Just a few more days. That’s all I need to do. Then everything can go back to normal.
Grabbing my keys, I got up, turned the lights off, and left the office. A lot had gone wrong today, but hearing from my father gave me hope that it was all about to change.
As I got into my car and headed home, some animal dashed in front of my car, and I turned quickly to avoid hitting it. Instead of maneuvering as I expected it to, my car jerked to the right as it hit a pothole. I pulled over and got out of my car to make sure there was no damage. The tire wasn’t flat and that was all I knew about cars. All I needed was for it to get me home. I could deal with it in the morning.
I walked around to get into my car, but the door wouldn’t open. I tried it again, but it was locked. I reached into my pocket but couldn’t feel the keys.Shit!I knew exactly where they were. In the ignition.
Out of habit, I always hit lock on my doors when getting out of my car. Crime seemed under control in Tabiq now, but I wasn’t taking any chances. And there was no way to get back in. Normally, I’d call my father to come and rescue me. I had a few others who could give me a ride, but then I’d need to explain what I was doing out here and why I hadn’t called my father. The only way I was going to be able to pull any of this off was by keeping it a secret. Not about to blow it now when we were so close to the end.
I looked down at my feet and instantly regretted not changing into more comfortable shoes before leaving the office. Kicking off my three-inch heels I placed them on the roof of my car. I’d get them on my way into the office later when I returned with my spare set of keys. Right now, I couldn’t think clearly enough to make it home and back here in the dark. At this time of night/morning, there weren’t any vehicles on the road, but with only the moon to light my way, it was going to be a slow, long, walk home. It meant getting less sleep, but it was still going to be okay.
He’s coming home.
The flight to Tabiq with Dean was as I had expected. He spent most of it on the phone discussing business. That was fine with me. He had just been the means to get me back to Tabiq. But as we were about to land, Dean decided to turn his attention to me.
“Have you decided what you’re going to do regarding your manager?”
“As I mentioned yesterday, I'd like to hear him out before I make my decision,” I reminded him.
“Is there really a valid excuse for falling behind in production?” he asked.
Ya. I got it. No second chances.
“We do things differently here in Tabiq,” I stated. “Having said that, my factory was also the first company to export to the world. I built it from the ground up and I’m not going to let any harm come to it.”
“I hope not. I know Reesa is counting on you to grow that business. It’s good for Tabiq.”
I hated the fact that he used her first name. “President O’Connor is aware of the situation and knows that I am returning to Tabiq to address it.”
“Good. But you do know that me and my family are here to support you as well. If you need help, have any questions, or need to utilize our connections, just let us know,” he offered.
“Thank you. But trust me, I've got this under control.” At least I will once I’m back in the office. “I know what needs to be done. And if Trye is not the person, he’ll be replaced.”