Page 21 of Twenty-Two Unforgettable Hours
I had thought about going to Alex Henderson and seeing if he’d hire me again, but that position had been filled. President O’Connor had her own staff as well. My other options were so limited, and none would hold enough of a challenge to keep me interested in it for long. I didn’t want to admit that I enjoyed working, but I did. And I had plans on what I could do to even make it better. Too bad it meant working for Niko.
“But I...”
“No. Don’t look for excuses for why you shouldn’t do it. Just think about why you should,” he said. “Now go and get ready for work. That place needs you. Mr. Rio needs you.
He needs someone to put him in his place and tell him the world does not revolve around him.
“Father, I don’t want to talk about him,” I said.
“Ovi, I need you to be...nice. Be... open-minded. Give him a chance. He is a good man. What he is doing for Tabiq is amazing. You know that. It’s not like you to be so...unforgiving. Is there something that I don’t know?” he asked.
I did not answer, because I didn’t know myself. There was just something about him that made me feel...uncomfortable.
“We are just so...different, that’s all.”
“Different can be a good thing. Your mother and I were different as well and look how good that turned out,” he smiled.
“Don’t have to worry about that with us.”I can barely tolerate being in the same room as him.
“Tonight, over dinner, I want you to set aside whatever you think you know about him, and just pretend as though it is your first date.”
“It’s not a date,” I clarified. It’s been so long since I’ve been on a date, but things couldn’t have changed that much. A date is when two people who are interested in each other agree to go out and spend time together. That is not Niko and me. He probably wants to complain about what my father did again. I had no interest in hearing it… again.
“Dinner is a date. Now, just do as I suggested. See how the night goes. Then tomorrow, if you still believe you can’t work with him, tell him to find someone else. Can you do that for me?” he asked.
He was asking an awful lot, but I couldn’t tell him no. “Yes, I can do that for you, Father. But only if you promise me that you’ll call me at least twice a month, and not a two-minute call either.”
“My, you’ve become a tough negotiator. Pick that up while pretending to be me?” he asked. I nodded. “Impressive. And to answer your question, yes, I promise.”
It was a very small victory, but I would take them where I got them even though I had to make a little promise myself. But it was only going to be one dinner. There was nothing Niko was going to say or do to make me change my mind. And tomorrow, I would return the laptop and phone and would never have to see him again. Very simple.
“I won’t complain if you decide to call more frequently.” I hugged my father tightly. “When will I see you again?” I asked, trying to get a commitment out of him for that as well.
“I will return every few months.”
That was not enough, but I couldn’t ask him not to do what he needed just for me. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Ovi.”
It hurt like hell, but I let go of him and headed to my room to get dressed for the office. I wasn’t sure who was going to be more surprised about me returning to work, me or Niko.
I’m doing this for you, Father.
Was I hearing things? Only one person wore high heels in the factory. Ovi. But she had made it very clear earlier that she wasn’t coming into the office today. I even had the impression that she had no intention of returning here, ever. But that clicking sound said otherwise.
I’d have liked to think she had suddenly changed her mind and realized that she couldn’t stay away from this place. From me. But her expression had told me she was hoping never to lay eyes on me again. The woman couldn’t stand me. The only reason why she agreed to dinner was because Trye had been standing there. If not, I was sure she would’ve told me what I could do with my invite.
This only made me wonder what the hell she was doing here now. When she left yesterday, she hadn’t taken the laptop or phone, so it wasn’t to return them. Hopefully, she wasn’t here to destroy them either.
That thought was enough to get me out of the chair and head to her office. As I approached, I saw her door was open. Nice change. The last few times I came by she kept it closed. Probably to keep me out. Never worked.
I peeked inside and Ovi was seated at the desk with the laptop open. She was deep in thought and hadn’t even noticed me standing there. I tapped on the door jamb. “Hi. Is everything alright?” I asked.
She looked up, startled. “Yes. Fine.” Then she turned her attention back to the screen.