Page 20 of Twenty-Two Unforgettable Hours
“Now it is yours.”
It wasn’t a home without him. It was just a house, a bunch of walls with a roof. An empty place filled with memories.
“Father, I cannot stay here without you.” I had for the past month, but I knew that it was going to be for a short time before he’d come back. I didn’t want to do it again, not indefinitely.
“Of course, you can. You are strong and brilliant like your mother was. You can do anything that you set your mind to.” To be compared with my mother was a great compliment. He added, “And Mr. Rio seems to think so as well, otherwise he’d never have hired you.”
I didn’t want to even think about that man. If he hadn’t shown up here this morning, then maybe my father wouldn’t be leaving. Maybe I could’ve convinced him to stay a little longer so he would see this was really where he belonged.You might not need me, but I need you.
“He knows nothing about me,” I said firmly.If he did, then he would know he’s breaking my heart by firing you.
“Give him a chance. He’s not a bad man,” he said.
“I beg to differ.” He was arrogant and didn’t care about anyone but himself.
“You’re only angry at him because you think he’s to blame,” he stated.
Isn't that true?
“If you had your job, you wouldn’t be leaving,” I said, believing that with my entire being.
“I won’t lie to you. I might have stayed, but not for long. I meant what I said. I don’t belong here. I need to go and find who I am without your mother. And you need to learn who you are without us as well.”
“Father, I know who I am. I’m the daughter of the greatest parents that ever were. I have already lost Mother and now I don’t want to lose you too.” It was my fear, and I finally admitted it, not just to him, but to myself as well. My grandparents passed when I was just a toddler, and I have no siblings. He was all I had left. Why couldn’t he see that we needed each other?
“You’re not losing me.”Feels like I am.“I will call and check on you all the time. But I must do this. And this time, you won’t have to pretend to be me. You can live your life the way you want.”
“If I was doing that, then you’d be here with me,” I stated.
He ignored that comment and added, “All that I have is yours. I have enough money set aside for you to be able to livecomfortably for a few years if you decide not to continue working for Mr. Rio.”
“You need the money. I will be okay,” I lied. I assumed he had set some money aside, but never asked. It wasn’t something Tabiqian people ever discussed.
“Where can I spend it on a boat?” he asked, and I shrugged. “Exactly. And besides, the owner of the boat will be paying me to help so I will have money. Besides, you never know, you might decide that Tabiq is not the place you want to live in either. There is a big world out there. Take some time and go explore it. You might like what you find,” he suggested.
“I like it here.”You did too, once upon a time.
He kissed me on my forehead and said, “All I want for you is to be happy. Whether it is here in Tabiq, or a country on the other side of the world, I just want you to be happy.”
How was that going to happen when he was going to be leaving me again so soon? “I want the same for you Father. When are you leaving?” I asked, dreading the answer.
“I’m going to pack now. I won’t be here when you get back from dinner.”
“Why so soon? Can’t you stay for a couple of more days?” I pleaded.
He shook his head. “No. The boat leaves in the morning and I told him I’d help gather the supplies. And, you have things to do too.”
“Like what?” I asked.Besides crying my eyes out.
“Go to work. He wouldn’t have hired you if he didn’t believe you were capable of doing the job.”
“I don’t want to work for him.” My loyalty was with my father and Niko doesn’t deserve mine.
“Then don’t. But I think you need to.”
“Why?” I questioned.
“Not because of me, but because everyone in that factory needs you. Almi told me what you’ve done and how impressed Niko is. When your mother became ill, and you left your job at New Hope, you gave up so much. Now it is your time to shine and show everyone what you’re capable of.”