Page 26 of What Happens at the Lake
A few minutes later, she appeared in the doorway of the office. I hadn’t yet turned off the monitor. She leaned in and looked at the screen.
“You were watching me?”
“You nailed your move. Congratulations.”
“I told you that you watching me made me nervous.”
“YouknowingI was watching you made you nervous. Can’t be nervous about something you don’t know about.” I shrugged. “Also, if you skate a little faster, you’ll be able to get more height on your jump and you probably won’t cut it so close when you come down.”
“I was skating as fast as I can.”
“No, you weren’t. You start out that way but then back off because your nerves get to you. You gotta go balls out.”
She squinted at me. “Does the boss know you sit around watching people instead of working?”
I smiled. “I think he’d be okay with it.”
She tilted her head. “Maybe I should ask him?”
“Maybe you should.” I held her stare. “By the way, what’s with the underwear change?”
Her eyes widened. “You watched me do that?”
“It’s not like I was peeking through your bedroom window. You did it center ice.”
“IthoughtI was alone.”
“Were the other ones too restricting for all those flips or something?”
“No. They just weren’t lucky.”
“Come again?”
“The ones I put on are lucky, and I was pushing myself for an extra turn.”
I didn’t enter the rink before a game without tapping the gate three times, so lucky underwear made sense to me. It wasn’t the objects, but the belief we held about them. Whatever worked.
I lifted my chin to her bag. “Are the underwear in your bag?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Can I borrow them?”
“What are you, some kind of a perv?”
“No. Just need a little extra luck.”
“For what?”
“Hoping a pretty woman I met will say yes to going out with me.”
“You’re not referring tome, are you?”
“I am.”
“You don’t even know my name.”
I extended a hand. “Fox. And you are?”