Page 25 of What Happens at the Lake
“I didn’t realize you were engaged.”
I caught her eye. “I’m not. Evie is dead.”
A Lifetime Ago
Five years ago
Am I seeing things?
No one was ever in the rink at this hour, and definitely not anyone doingthat. I leaned against the plastic barrier for a closer look, making sure I wasn’t imagining her. But no, that was most definitely a woman on the ice. And she was most definitely…changing her underwear. She had on a tennis skirt and cropped top, not even any tights in the freezing-cold place. I watched as a tiny piece of red material fell to the ice and she lifted one knee and stepped into what looked like a pair of black panties, three times the size. She shimmied them up her legs, scooped the red fabric from the ice, skated to the sideline, and tossed them over the boards into the penalty box.
I stayed quiet, curious what she’d do next. The pretty redhead seemed lost in her own world as she skated to one corner of the rink. She took a deep breath, stood tall staring straight ahead for a long time, and then began to skate backward with determination. When she got three quarters of the way to my side of the ice, she looped forward and leaped into the air. Her body twisted and rotated so fast, I lost count of how many turns she’d done. As she descended, we locked eyes and her focus broke. She landed hard on her ass.
I bolted out onto the ice. Luckily I was already laced up. I leaned down to help her, but she pushed my hands away.
“What the hell were you doing, just standing there?” she demanded.
“I didn’t want to interrupt.”
She brushed ice from her ass and climbed to her feet. She was going to have a nice bruise later.
“That was some move you did there.”
“It would’ve been, if you hadn’t scared the crap out of me. How did you get in here, anyway?”
“I have a key.”
“Oh. Well, can you give me another fifteen minutes before you start resurfacing? I really need to nail this move.”
“You’re the maintenance guy, right?”
I smiled. It had been a few years since I’d walked anywhere near a rink and someone didn’t recognize me. Especially a few miles from my hometown, no less. But I decided to play along. “Yeah, I can give you another fifteen.”
She skated back to the other side of the rink, leaned over with her hands on her knees, and shut her eyes for a while before getting into position again. Then she did the same move, except this time it didn’t seem like she got in as many rotations as she had on the last pass. Though at least she stuck the landing. I was impressed, but she looked annoyed with herself. I’d watched figure skating on TV before, and this woman seemed as good as any of them. She repeated the trick once more and landed looking unhappy again.
Taking a deep breath, she glared over at me. “Do you have to watch me like that?”
“Are you training for a competition?”
“I’m training for the Olympic qualifiers.”
“Won’t you have people watching you when you try out?”
“Yes, but I’ll have things down by then. You’re making me nervous.”
I liked watching her, and it was also past the time I’d blocked off the rink to do my workout, but I appreciated her determination. “No problem.”
Though when I went into the office, I turned on the security monitor and pressed the button to bring up the interior cameras. Kicking my feet up on the desk, I clasped my hands behind my head and watched the woman do her trick five more times before nailing it on the sixth. Her turns were so fast, I couldn’t always count, but the fist pump and smile on her face told me she’d done it. I zoomed in the camera and found myself smiling back at her, though she obviously couldn’t see me.Damn, she’s gorgeous. She started to jump around on the ice, doing some sort of quirky celebratory dance with her arms flailing all around. When she was done, she skated off and stepped into the penalty box. She glanced around the arena, probably to see if I was still lurking, then bent and grabbed something. I couldn’t see behind the boards, but the way she was wiggling around, I was pretty certain she was changing her underwear again. Strange. But show me an athlete who didn’t do weird shit.