Page 60 of Dark Voyage Matters of the Soul
Her friend's eyes bugged out. "Are you kidding me? This thing is real gold and made for you. I designed your hairdo around it."
"Then I guess it stays." Wonder lifted the tiara and ran her fingers over the delicate carvings. "I'm going to feel like an imposter princess."
"You are a princess." Annani glided into the bedroom. "Every bride is a princess on her wedding day, and you, my dear, will look regal. I cannot wait to see you in this outfit with your hair and makeup done, walking up to the dais surrounded by your bridesmaids." She smiled. "We did not have that custom in Sumer, so we did not include it in our musings about our future weddings."
Wonder blushed at the thought. As a girl, she'd fantasized about marrying Esag, Khiann's squire. She'd been devastated by his refusal to break his engagement to be with her, but in retrospect, he had saved her life by breaking her heart. If she hadn't run away, she would have died with everyone else in their city.
She was grateful to Annani and the Fates, who had guided her to suggest Tula as a maid to Areana. Her sister had accompanied Mortdh's bride to his stronghold in the north, which had saved her life.
As Dagor's phone buzzed with an incoming message, he read it with a raised brow. "That's a surprise. I'm invited to Anandur's bachelor party." He looked at Frankie. "I'm not a close friend of his. Why would he invite me?"
"Maybe he likes you?"
"Anandur likes everyone."
Frankie knew that Anandur was the name of one of Kian's bodyguards, but she wasn't sure which one he was. Given Dagor's last comment, though, it had to be the redhead. "Anandur is the tall one, right? The blond who looks like a statue of an angel doesn't like anyone, so it can't be him."
"That's Brundar, who's surprisingly Anandur's brother. He's getting married tomorrow, provided that we are done with the mission in time for his wedding." He chuckled. "I'm sure he's not going to invite me to his bachelor party." Dagor put his phone on the coffee table. "I don't want to go to Anandur's either."
"Why not? It will be good for you to mingle a little and make new friends." He needed more people to talk to other than Negal,Aru, and her. "Check with Negal and Aru if they've gotten an invitation. It will be less awkward for you if they are there."
"That's not the reason I don't want to go. I don't like the idea of leaving you alone."
"That's sweet." She leaned over and kissed his cheek. "But I'll be fine. I need to call Margo and let her know about the delay. And then I have to start getting ready for the wedding. It will take me at least an hour to just do my makeup, and I'm doing Mia's makeup, too. She's coming over to do my hair."
"In that case, I might go if Negal is going too."
As Dagor's phone buzzed with another message, Frankie had a feeling it was either Negal or Aru asking him the same question.
"It's Negal," Dagor said. "He's asking whether I got an invitation and if I'm going." He lifted a brow. "Am I going?"
"Yes. Text him that you are."
"Yes, ma'am."
When Dagor was done texting, Frankie pulled him in for a scorching kiss.
"If that was meant to incentivize me to go, it failed," he murmured against her lips. "I'd rather stay with you than hang out with a bunch of dudes."
"Go." She playfully pushed him. "But just so you are mentally prepared, tonight, you are taking me to the dance floor. I'm fully healed, Bridget already knows, so there is no need to keep pretending. I plan on wearing one of my form-fitting evening gowns and sky-high heels. Be ready to be wowed."
"Oh, I am." He kissed her back.
Frankie waited until the door had closed behind Dagor before reaching for her phone, but she didn't call Margo right away.
How was she going to explain the additional delay without revealing too much?
Well, she’d just have to wing it.
"Hi," Margo answered. "So, which dress are you wearing for tonight's wedding?"
"The red one."
"Oh, wow. You are going in with all guns blazing."
Frankie winced. "Yeah, I'm dressing to impress. I have a bit of bad news, though. We're going to be another day late."