Page 59 of Dark Voyage Matters of the Soul
"You should go rest a bit before the ceremony," Callie advised. "You look tired. Did you sleep at all last night?"
Wonder chuckled. "I was too nervous to sleep, and I don't know why." The thought of lying down only to be alone with her racing thoughts wasn't appealing. "I'm marrying the love of my life, and my best friend is presiding over the ceremony. I shouldn't have a care in the world."
Callie smiled. "You are an introvert, Wonder, and working in the café hasn't cured you of that. It stresses you out to think that all eyes will be on you."
That was only partially true. There were things that stressed her even more. What if Anandur did something to embarrass her in the name of fun? He loved clowning around, and she didn't want to be the stick-in-the-mud who spoiled the fun for him, but for once, she wanted him to be serious and give the ceremony its proper respect. Then there was the issue of the vows. She'd worked on them for weeks, but after hearing Alena's and Amanda's, she realized that what she'd produced was not on a par with theirs. It was tempting to let Callie help her write something better, but then it wouldn't be from her, and the vows were supposed to be deeply personal.
Wonder groaned. "My vows suck, and I'm afraid Anandur is going to do something goofy, but at least that way, everyone's eyes will be on him, so I won't be the center of attention."
Callie laughed. "I'm sure your vows are heartfelt, which is what really counts, and Anandur is not going to do anything too crazy with the Clan Mother watching."
"I hope not. I wish I could see him before the ceremony to make sure he's not wearing something outlandish."
"It's bad luck for the bride and groom to see each other on the day of their wedding," Callie said. "Now, how about a relaxing bath instead of a nap? It might help calm your nerves."
A bubble bath was the perfect excuse to get some alone time without offending her guests. "That sounds great."
Wonder pushed to her feet. "I'm going to take a bath, and while I'm gone, don't overdo it with the drinks."
A chorus of laughter and mock protests trailed her as she walked into the bedroom and were abruptly silenced when she closed the door behind her.
Letting out a breath, Wonder continued into the bathroom and closed that door behind her, too. She drew a bath, adding scented oils that filled the room with a calming fragrance, and as she sank into the warm water, she closed her eyes. With the heat seeping into her muscles, the tension that had built up throughout the day started to unwind.
As the water gently lapped against her skin, Wonder's thoughts drifted to Anandur. Her mate was adorable, and she loved him with every fiber of her being. She loved his sunny disposition, his strength, and the way he looked at her with love and unconditional approval. She made him happy, and he made her happy in return.
Wonder felt a surge of gratitude for the love she'd found not only with Anandur but with the entire clan.
Her new family.
A little over half an hour later, Wonder stepped out of the bath feeling relaxed, centered, and rejuvenated. She applied lotion to her face, wrapped a towel over her head, and put on a robe.
As she opened the door to the living room, Callie stopped mid-sentence and turned to her. "That was quick. Feeling better?"
"Much." Wonder scanned the room. "Where are Syssi and Amanda?"
"They went to check on the rescued women," Carol said. "Well, Syssi wanted to check on them, but since her Spanish is so-so, Amanda joined her as an interpreter." She glanced at her watch. "I think it's time to get on with the second part of the festivities. We need to get you ready, girl." She pushed to her feet. "I need to see your wedding dress. Callie told us that it's unlike any dress we have seen, and I'm bristling with curiosity."
Wonder waved a hand toward the bedroom. "Follow me and take a look."
"Yay!" Carol clapped her hands.
The wedding dress was spread over the bed, and it was a stunning amalgamation of traditional white and elements inspired by Wonder Woman's costume.
"Oh, my goodness, Wonder, it's absolutely perfect!" Carol exclaimed.
Callie had already seen the dress, so she just smiled and nodded.
Aliya got closer and smoothed her hand over the chiffon. "It's very pretty." She lifted her gaze to Wonder. "Mine is more modest."
"I'm sure it's gorgeous."
"Yeah." Aliya's eyes sparkled. "I know that it's considered bad luck, but Vrog helped me pick it. He loved it."
Wonder smiled, her eyes tracing the intricate details of the dress. The bodice was made from gold fabric, and it flowed into a graceful skirt. The accessories included a real gold tiara and a pair of thick cuffs that had been custom-made. Those were the only part of the outfit that Anandur had been privy to because he'd ordered them.
"You're going to look like a goddess," Carol gushed. "Anandur won't be able to take his eyes off you."
"Isn't it a bit too much?" Wonder looked at Callie. "Maybe I should forgo the tiara?"