Page 46 of Dark Voyage Matters of the Soul
Aru cast him a sidelong glance. "Do you want to go with them?"
"It depends." Negal cast Gilbert a broad smile. "What are you offering?"
"A drink on the Lido deck."
Negal was a little hungry, but he was curious to hear what Gabi's brothers wanted with him.
"Lead the way." He motioned for them to proceed.
"Don't forget that target practice is in an hour." Aru clapped him on the back. "You might want to grab something to eat first."
"I'll survive." Negal fell into step with Gilbert while Eric and Max trailed behind them. "So, what's the deal? Do you have a cousin you want me to meet?"
Gilbert shook his head. "Let's wait until we are sitting with drinks in our hands. This is not going to be an easy conversation."
"Now you’re worrying me. Did I overstep some boundary I wasn't aware of with one of the clan ladies?"
He'd been cordial to a fault, and he'd only engaged with those who had actively come after him. He hadn't flirted with anyone or seduced them with his godly powers, or anything else that could be interpreted as questionable.
"Nothing like that. You did nothing wrong, Negal. I'm about to ask you for a huge favor that's going to make us both very uncomfortable."
Negal's gut twisted in a knot. Did they need him to give blood to someone?
Maybe one of the women down in the lower decks was in critical condition?
But how had they found out about it? Had they guessed that Frankie's recovery couldn't be explained any other way?
What was he going to do when they asked him?
Deny it?
Say that he had no idea what they were talking about?
Damn, what a mess.
The four of them made the rest of the way to the Lido deck in silence, found a table apart from the rest that offered some privacy, and ordered drinks from Bob.
"So, here is the situation." Gilbert put down his gin and tonic. "You know how female Dormants are induced, right?"
So that was what they wanted him for. "I'm sorry, Gilbert, but I can't. Your daughter is too young."
Gilbert frowned. "What are you talking about?"
"Isn't that what you need me for? To induce the transition of your daughter?"
"Of course. Do you have another daughter who is almost of age but not yet?"
"No, but that's not what I want to ask you to do." Gilbert took a fortifying breath. "This is about my mate Karen. I'm a newly transitioned immortal, which means that my fangs and venom glands are still growing, and they are not functional, so I can't induce her. She's not young, and her best chance of transitioning is a god's venom, and you are the last god available. Naturally, I'm not suggesting that you have sex with my mate, only that you provide the bite."
He must have looked stunned because Max lifted a hand to get his attention. "I did that for Eric's mate, and it's not as complicated as it seems. The only problem we encountered wasEric demolishing the bed in a jealous fit. Bonded immortal males are very possessive of their mates, and we planned for that. We had him chained to the bed, but he pulled so hard on the chains that the bed fell apart."
Negal was starting to get the picture of how it was supposed to work. The couple would be engaged in the act, and they wanted him to bite the female when Gilbert was about to climax.
"Did it work?" Negal asked.
Eric nodded. "Max did a hit and run, but it worked."