Page 63 of What Burns Between
I twist around and catch her wry smile.
"But if you experience headaches, dizziness, or any nausea in the next day, let me know."
"Sure." I settle back against the sofa cushion and draw my legs up. A twinge through my hip forces a wince I can't hide.
She frowns a little. "I don't know what Maddie was thinkin’ teaching you to ride. Or Digger, for that matter, allowing you on that bike. It's far too powerful for a learner."
"I feel like shit." I avoid her eye, catching a glimpse as Digger rises from his barstool and heads for the stairs. "I'll pay for damages to the bike."
"Like hell, you will." Cassidy snorts a laugh. "Maddie can explain this one to her daddy.”
"Will he get mad about it?" I shift my gaze off Cassidy and hunt out Maddie at the bar.
"Tyke?" The redhead drops to the sofa beside me, the spicy tones of cinnamon and something earthy hitting my nose. "If he will, you won't know it."
"He's not the type to punish her, then?"
"He's the calm before the storm," she explains, leaning my way conspiratorially. "That man is all placid waters on the surface, but there's a damn rip tide that'll pull you under if you wade too far in."
"Have you...?"
She hacks out a surprised laugh. "Oh, honey. No. I've got an old man at home."
"He's not here?"
“He just left.” Her gaze softens as she stares at nothing in particular. "He's not part of the club." Cassidy rolls her head to look at me, seemingly reading the confusion on my face. "My daddy was friends with Tyke's father. I grew up in the place, saw things no little girl should have, and then laughed when they wondered why I turned out like this." She gestures to herself and then rises from the seat. “Ernest’s a better housewife than I am, so I leave him at home while I come here and help prep meals and set rooms. He helped me load the week’s groceries in and then set off when I got called through here.”
“Ernest?” I frown. “Harvey said you were with some guy called Tex.”
“That’s what the boys call him.” She smiles, meeting my eye briefly.
“Oh.” I study the abrasions on my arm. “Do they pay you to do the meals and stuff?” Maybe I could get a job here? Earn my way honestly.
Cassidy nods. "Not standard rate, though."
"Family discount, right?" I know how that feels; people expect more out of you through association alone. As if taking advantage of friends and family is some show of love and compassion.
"Hardly." Cassidy snorts. "They pay better than anyone else in this shithole town."
I grin, softening into the seat. "Why stay if Red River is such a horrible place?"
"Because the beautiful landscape can't help how shitty the people are." She nods to her attire, flowing and loose in bright patterns. "I'm sure you can tell I'm a bit of a nature baby. The forest is my second home.” She doesn't give me a chance to respond before adding, "Stay there, and I'll bring you a couple of painkillers for good measure."
"Thank you."
"Ain't nothing of it." She slices a dismissive hand through the air and turns away.
Maddie slides into her vacant spot, apology clear in her big eyes. "Shit, Rae."
"Hey. I could have said no." I stretch my sore leg out and readjust, so my weight is on the other hip. "I just hope I haven't overstayed my welcome when your dad finds out."
"Finds out what?"
I damn near fall off the sofa, completely oblivious to Tyke having walked in while I was talking with Cassidy.
"Anyone want to tell me why the witch's broom is lyin’ on its side in the yard?" He shifts his stern eye from Maddie to me and then back.
She wilts, bottom lip pinched between her teeth. "I wanted to teach Rae how to ride."