Page 62 of What Burns Between
"I think I know how to spot a neck injury, Cass."
"Like fuck you do." She gestures to the closest sofa. "Set her down." Then to Rae, she asks, "Have you hurt your leg? Is that why you can't walk?"
Rae reaches for the back of the seat as I set her lengthways on the cushion, helping to keep herself semi-upright. "Nope. I think they're okay."
Cassidy's glare heats the side of my face. "Always the fuckin' hero, aren't you?"
"He was only trying to help," Rae interjects.
"Yeah? Well, only trying to help has got this guy in more tight situations than he'd care to admit." Cass punches me in the bicep—hard. "Isn't that right?"
I step back, letting the firecracker do her job assessing our guest. She notes my lack of answer with a smug smile.
"How many fingers?" Cass holds up three digits.
"Two and a thumb," Rae answers, glancing at me as though seeking reassurance.
I give a tight nod.
"Digger. Can I talk with you?" Maddie sets her hand on my arm, guiding my attention toward her.
"Sure." I head for the bar, unsure where else to go that's out of earshot but close enough for me to keep an eye on things. "You can say it," I grumble, tugging out a stool. "I can read the fuckin' words in your eyes, anyway."
"You seem mighty concerned about my friend there,Uncle." She spits the word as though the consonants leave a sour taste on her tongue. "Do I need to remind you this whole deal is just pretend? And that she's at leastfifteenyears your junior?"
"At least?" I lift an eyebrow as I lean over the counter to snag a bottle of Jack.Need something to drown these fuckin’ butterflies.
"I forget how old you are." Maddie crinkles her upper lip. "And you aren't going to drink that straight from the bottle."
"Why the fuck not?" I'd mainline the shit given half the chance. Numb myself right the fuck out so I can safely ignore this mess of emotions clouding my head.
"We're outlaws," my niece bitches, reaching over to scrounge up a couple of glasses. "Not animals."
"Same thing if you ask me." I pour each of us two fingers of the good stuff and promptly open neck mine while Maddie swirls hers gingerly in the tumbler. "I care about your friend, Mads, because she needs someone to give a shit about her. I care about her because I know how that feels. Is that such a problem?"
"That's what she has me for." She sets the drink aside with a sigh. "Look. This whole guise you and Daddy came up with is a little fucked up, but it’s been a damn long time since I’ve seen you happy, Uncle West. I won't stand in your way if you can promise me one thing."
"And what's that?" I stare at the amber liquid near my lips, damn near going cross-eyed as I size my second glass.
"Promise me you'll only make a move on her if you're serious about her. Like long-term serious."Too late.She hardens her gaze when I peer at her out of the side of my eye. "She's been fucked around, Weston. More than once. She doesn't need some dick chasin’ her down and then ghosting her once it’s gotten wet."
"You romance all the boys with that tongue?"
I earn a fist to the shoulder for my troubles. "I'm serious."
"So am I." But I can't deny how messed up her request leaves my already soup-ish thoughts about her curvy friend.
I can't promise Maddie that. I can't promise anyone shit until I figure out what it is I want out of life. I'm floating, adrift amongst a sea of scarred men, waiting for something to happen to show me what my fucking purpose here on this God-given earth is. And the thing is, my gut tells me that's not happening any time soon.
I can't commit to the girl until I can commit to the future. And right now? Both are looking equally as intimidating.
Cassidy is a pretty woman,naturally without a lick of makeup to be found on her face. Even so, I can't figure out her age. She could be in her thirties or late in her forties, the rich tones of her brown skin hiding any conventional markers of age. That, and her enormous waterfall of red dreadlocks.
"You've come away lucky," she states, fixing the back of my shirt into place. "A few abrasions and some bruising, most of all to your pride.”