Page 44 of Kate & Hudson
I turn to her, pausing, trying to decide if I really want to know. “What did you mean when you told Chloe just now that it’s not a date, but just lunch?”
Her eyes bounce around the cab of my truck, but don’t actually look at me. “Well, um, we’re friends, right? And we’re going to eat lunch. At least, that’s what I thought we were doing.” She sounds nervous and her hands are fidgeting with the strap to her purse.
I nod, “Yes. We’re friends and yes, we’re going to lunch.” I agree.
“Yeah, so, Chloe saying that nonsense about having fun on our date was, you know…” she pauses and doesn’t continue. Her hands are still fidgeting with her purse straps and she’s looking at everything but me.
Taking her hands into mine, I calm them. Her eyes find mine and I hold her stare. “Kate. To me… this is a date. Hopefully, the first of many. Are you okay with that?”
This time, her eyes bounce back and forth to mine like she doesn’t believe what I just told her. There’s a wrinkle between her eyebrows. “This is a date?”
I nod, “I thought it was. I’m wearing my best boots.”
She glances down at my feet but doesn’t laugh like I was hoping she would. I was trying to lighten the mood. She seems so confused.
“So, this is a date, and you want to date me?”
“Yes, and yes. Is that a problem? Do you not want to date me? Do I have this all wrong?”
“Um… no, no. I mean, yes, I want to date you.” She looks down at our joined hands.
“Great.” I smile, and she finally smiles back at me. “Then, let’s eat. I’m starving.” I put the truck in gear with one hand because I don’t want to let go of hers, and we head towards the Intercoastal and to lunch.
The weather is perfect for eating outside on the patio deck of the restaurant. It sits over the Intracoastal waterway, so when you look down, you can see fish swimming by. There’s a soft breeze keeping us cool along with a sail overhead blocking the direct sun. We really do live in paradise and I’m so thankful that this part of Florida is still unspoiled. I hope it stays this way forever because this Florida girl never wants to leave.
Hudson took me by complete surprise when he told me that this was, in fact, a date to him. Our first date. The complete relief I felt when he said that was unexpected. Then the terror set in. Holy shit, I’m on a date with a guy that really should be on the cover of magazines displaying his muscles. And of course, my friend, insecurity, showed up. Why does he want to date me? Is this a cruel and sick joke? What’s wrong with him and why is he not already taken? All of this went through my head as we drove to lunch. With all these emotions going through my head, I'm going to need a nap when I get home.
“How’s your shrimp?” Hudson asks, but I can’t see his eyes. He’s wearing his sunglasses. Which makes sense. So am I, but I can’t see his eyes and a part of me still thinks this may be some colossal mean joke and I’m trying to prepare for it.
“Fantastic. How’s your grouper?”
“Best in the area.” He wipes his mouth with his napkin and a piece of the napkin catches on his day-old beard and sticks there.
I can’t help myself; I reach over to pick it off and, to my amazement; he leans in to let me not knowing what I was doing. “You had a bit of lint from the napkin on you.” I pull it off and show it to him as I drop it onto my empty plate. The electricity in my fingers whenever we touch is quickly becoming addictive.
“Thank you.”
“You look good with a bit of a beard.”
He scratches his face, “I wish I could keep it, but the department won’t allow it. We’re trying to get it written into the contract the union is negotiating with the county on for next year.”
“Now that you mention it, I’ve not seen any type of beard on the guys at the station.” I’m trying to recall all the guys I’ve delivered Sunday morning breakfast to over the years, and I don’t remember one beard. “Why is that?”
“It’s a safety issue if the beard is too long. The SCBA doesn’t create a tight seal with longer beards.”
Hudson chuckles, “The mask we wear to breathe in a fire.”
I nod, “Ah. Why can’t you just call it a mask?”
“Because that would make things too easy.” He teases.
“Well, I hope you get to wear whatever facial hair you want.”