Page 43 of Kate & Hudson
“Well, it’s bad luck to have a boat with no name, so think quick. I don’t want it to sink on Saturday.” I see a young kid dressed in what looks like his father’s suit, walk out of Kate’s closed shop. “Listen man, I’m here at Kate’s shop to pick her up for lunch. I’ve got to go.”
“Oh yeah, today’s the big date. Good luck, man.”
“Thanks, catch ya tomorrow on shift.” I tell him.
“See ya,” and Kane hangs up, and I shut down my truck and watch the kid get into a beater car and drive away.
Why am I nervous suddenly? I take a deep breath and climb out of my truck and head to the front door.
The closed sign is facing out, and the door is locked, so I tap on the door and see Chloe wave and rush to open the door.
“Hi there. Come on in.”
“Hi Chloe. I’m here to see Kate.”
“Yep. She’s in the back going over some resumes. I’ll go get her.”
Chloe rushes behind the counter and through the office door in the back of the shop. I can hear them talking, but not what they’re saying.
I nervously wipe my hands down the front of my jeans. What is my problem? It’s not like I don’t know Kate. Hell, I’ve even stayed over one night. Granted, there wasn’t anything romantic about it and she was passed out the entire time, but still. Doesn’t explain why my nerves are shot.
The door to the office opens, and both women walk out.
“Don’t forget to unplug the ovens before you leave.” Kate says to Chloe.
“I won’t.” Chloe tells her, all but pushing her towards the front of the shop and to me.
“Oh and remember to lock our dumpster. I don’t want any more problems with the jerk next door.”
“I will make sure it is secured. Now, go.” Chloe ushers Kate in front of the counter.
Kate turns to me and smiles shyly. “Hi.”
She’s beautiful in jeans that hug her curvy hips and a teal silky tank top. “Hi. Are you ready to go?”
Kate nods, “As ready as I’ll ever be.”
Chloe leans over the counter and waves, “You kids have fun on your date.”
“It’s not a date. It’s just lunch.” Kate says to Chloe as I hold open the door as my heart drops in my chest.
“Mm. Have fun.” Chloe doesn’t sound convinced and I’m thankful that I’m not the only one that thought this was a date.
“Lock the door behind us, Chloe. See you tomorrow.”
Just then, the bay doors to the fire station across the street open and the rescue truck and fire engine, with their lights flashing and sirens blaring, pull out of the driveway. Kate and I both watch as they drive down the street and in the opposite direction of the restaurant we’re going to.
“Glad you’re off today?” Kate asks me, smiling. She’s even more beautiful when she smiles.
“Yes. I’m spending it with you.” I give her my biggest megawatt smile, place my hand in the small of her back, and lead her to the passenger side of my truck. I open her door for her to climb in.
“Thank you.” Kate climbs in and gets situated as I go around to the driver’s side and climb in myself.
I start the truck, but don’t put it in gear. Something’s bothering me and I want to get it out in the open before we leave.
“Something wrong?” Kate sounds confused as she looks around.