Page 155 of Shadow's Raven
Sudden, bright, blaring clarity hit me with the blinding force of a thousand burning stars.
If I lost my mate, what would be the point of carrying on? We had no offspring, no one who needed us the way we needed each other. Advantageously, we’d each gain in strength if we soulbonded. Raven would be better protected.
I hadn't been willing to even entertain the thought before. Why was I suddenly so open to it? Because she seemed to want the connection?
No. It’s because I can't live without her. And maybe, just maybe, she feels the same.
I clutched her face in my palms and crashed my mouth into hers. Desperately. Madly. I was suffocating and she was air. I tossed her onto the bed and ripped off my shirt.
“What are you doing?” she shrieked.
“We’re completing the bond. Get naked.”
“Do it or those clothes are toast.”
“I don’t think so,” she hissed, scrambling further up the bed.
“Yes.” I pounced, landing on top.
My knees shoved her legs wide and I captured her lips once more. Her hands fisted my hair angrily, pushing me away, even as she ground her core against my erection.
"You're only doing this because now you know I can severe it,” she accused.
"No. I'm doing this because I love you. I love you so fucking much, Raven. You’re the only thing in this life that I need. There is no life without you. I get it now.”
Her jaw dropped and I took advantage, sweeping in my tongue and kissing her soundly. Once I'd stolen all the air from her lungs, I lifted my head.
What I found looking back at me had my shadows disintegrating every thread of fabric separating Raven’s skin from mine.
My little mate had no idea what was in store for her.
Chapter 32
Floundering to get my head around Casimir's devastating declaration, I let my body lead, surrendering to his insatiable kiss. I clung to the moment until he broke the spell, allowing me to regain the breath I'd lost.
I love you, he'd said.
Those words. The weight of his body. The feel of his desire throbbing against the seam of my pants.
There is no life without you.
I looked up into his storm cloud eyes. Any surviving resistance was eradicated and replaced by a fierce wave of possessiveness.
This male was mine.
Yes, my inner halves hummed in unison.
A wolfish grin lifted the corners of his mouth. Shadows skated over us and consumed the fabric of our clothing.
The warmth of his skin sank into mine. His hands ran across my back. His touch was fire and I wanted to go up in flames.
I ran my hands over his sculpted muscles, feeling his heartbeat quicken under my touch. I pressed my lips against his chest, tracing a wet path with my tongue.
It wasn't enough room for me to maneuver and attend to him as I desired.