Page 154 of Shadow's Raven
"Ha! There is noouranything."
The air between us was palpable, electricity dancing on our skin like static. My entire frame shook with pressured heat bubbling from the bottom of my feet to the top of my head.
"You made me feel like an idiot," she continued, "like I'd wronged you in some way when all I'd done was accept you. Then, when I told you I was leaving to find Kol, you threatened to haul my ass back and chain me up."
"Because I was freaking the fuck out, Raven!"
"So was I. But I didn't take it out on you, did I? Did you stop for one second to think how threatening to chain me down would make me feel?"
"Obviously not! I'm a male demon. We're stupid like that."
Raven opened her mouth, then closed it. Seconds ticked by. Some of the oppressive strain surrounding us weakened.
Her throat cleared. "If you'll excuse me," she gave leave, sliding around and heading back into the living area.
I watched from the doorway as she sat in the chair nearest the bed, sliding on her boots.
"What are you doing?"
"To go where?"
Standing, she reached for the cloak hanging on the back of the chair. Moving faster, I snagged it away.
She held her hand out, expectantly. "Give me the cloak."
Raven’s neck and face were flooding with red. "You are going to hand me that cloak, Casimir. Then, I am going to walk downstairs, give my thanks, and be on my way."
"That's your final decision?"
Her mouth pressed so tight her entire head shook. "Yes."
“I don’t like that decision," I declared, throwing the cloak into the bathroom behind me. "Make a different one.”
"I’m going!" she seethed, magic flickering down her arms.
"No you’re not. I’ll go. You’ll stay here."
“Fuck you, clown boy!"
I recoiled. She sounded just like Lyric. Clearly, I’d pushed too far.
"Joke's on you, Casimir, because you don’t get to order me to stay put. You think you can control me? I will never be controlled by you or anyone else.”
I pressed into her personal space, our powers growing into a live current, coiling around our bodies, fueling our responses.
“You don’t get it, Raven. I will die if I lose you.”
“No you won’t. You refused the soulbond, remember?”
“Emotionally, Raven! It will fucking kill me if you were taken from me. What would be the point in living if you were dead?!”
With each word my voice got louder. The rubber band I had wrapped around me and my emotions stretched and pulled, growing taut and thin. It strained and strained.
Until it broke.