Page 71 of Brady
“Finally. Home is in sight. We’re-“ Those were the last words she said before she felt something slam into her side of the vehicle so hard it sent it against the iron fence. For a minute, she was so shocked she didn’t feel the pain along her side.
Clawing at the air bag that had been deployed, she tried to fight the nausea and dizziness assailing her. She couldn’t lose consciousness, she thought hazily, grabbing for the handle. The second hit came again and this time it sent her hurtling over to the passenger side and crumpled into an unconscious heap.
She was hurt really bad, but she had to finish the job. She felt as if something was tearing inside her chest, but she had to make sure the bitch was finished off.
Gunning the engine, she rammed the vehicle again, feeling the pain blossoming inside her chest. A maniacal laugh escaped her. She was about to shift the lever into reverse to ram the vehicle again when she heard shouts coming from the security gate.
"Hey! What the hell are you doing?"
Letting out a frustrated cry, she slid into reverse and sped away as fast as her mangled vehicle could take her.
"Holy Christ! It's the boss's lady. It's Ms. Macayla. Bob call nine-one-one. Ms. Macayla? Can you hear me? The door is stuck. I can’t open it" He frantically called out to the unconscious woman again as he tried the door. "Jesus Almighty, she’s bleeding. I have to call the boss."
"The ambulance and police are on their way." Stan rushed forward to try and help him pry the door open. "It's no use. It's stuck."
Brady was in a board meeting when the call came in and without a moment's hesitation, he rushed out of the room. "Macayla was in an accident." He told his father who’d rushed out with him.
"Let me accompany you-"
"No. Call Michelle. I’ll let you know. Stan, one of the guards mentioned a woman fleeing from the scene." He struggled into his coat, his entire body trembling.
"You’re saying this wasn’t an accident?"
"Not according to the guard. I have to go." He looked up as Constance came into the room. "Clear my schedule for the rest of the day."
"And yours as well, Mr. Sydney." She said with an efficient nod. "Please call us when you can to let us know how she is."
The words 'head trauma and internal bleeding' made him weak with dread. He’d diverted to the hospital when he got the call that the ambulance was headed there. He’d arrived in time to see them rushing her into surgery.
The glimpse he’d caught of her- forehead covered in blood, lying limp and helpless, had stopped his heart for a few seconds before he demanded to see the doctor in charge.
"What now?" He asked dully, unable to believe this was really happening. All the time he was on his way, he’d been hoping that someone was playing a cruel trick on him. That the woman he loved wasn’t lying in a hospital bed, broken and possibly dying. He couldn’t even think about that.
"We’re doing emergency surgery on her to find the source of the bleeding."
"And her head?"
"Like I said, we’re doing all we can."
"The baby?"
"The heartbeat is strong. It's the mother we’re worried about. I have to get back to her."
"I need updates."
"As soon as we have it. We have the best trauma team around and we’re going to do our best to save her life." With a nod, Dr. Ian Drummond left the room. He hadn’t gone two minutes before his father and Michelle came running into the room.
"My baby, what the hell is going on?" She demanded. He told them what the doctor said, repeating the prognosis woodenly. His mind felt detached from his body as if he were floating somewhere above the ceiling and looking down on what was happening.
Shaking his head, he concentrated on the two people in the room. “Yes?”