Page 70 of Brady
“So, we are, and I intend to do something about it.”
“I feel we accomplished something.” Michelle rose and gave Ben a smile as he rushed over with their coats. “Thanks, darling, for the private room. I know it was short notice but we had some things to cover and had to stay away from the press.”
“You ladies are two of my favorites.” The suave-looking manager of the swank and popular eatery on Broadway Street beamed at them. “Anything for you. I hope you don’t mind my saying, Ms. Macayla; you’re looking even more beautiful than ever.”
“Something a woman never gets tired of hearing.” She squeezed his arm as she took the coat.
“Come on, darling, it’s starting to sleet.” They made their way out of the restaurant and straight into the messy weather.
“I had someone drove me here. Perhaps you should call Brady and have him send a driver.” Michelle stared at the icy roadway and the pile up of traffic.
“I’m going straight home and I’m not in a hurry.” Leaning forward, she kissed her mother on the cheek. “I’ll be fine.”
“Ah, here’s my ride. Be sure to call me as soon as you get home.”
“I will.” With a wave, she accepted the key fob the valet brought over.
“I turned the heat on high, Ms. Macayla.” He told her with a smile.
Sliding into the vehicle, she placed a call to Brady.
“I’m on my way home and the weather is pretty nasty.”
“I should send a driver for you.”
“I’m already in my vehicle and you worry too much.”
“It’s kind of my job. How long do you suppose it’ll take you to get home.”
“According to my GPS, it says twenty minutes. I’m hanging up now, I need to concentrate.”
“Call as soon as you get home.”
“I will. See you later.” Hanging up, she waited for a break in the traffic before pulling out. She was concentrating so hard on getting home she failed to notice the BMW pulling in after her.
Deon had called to let her know there had been no sighting of the vehicle she’d told him about and as she hadn’t felt the nagging sensation of being followed, she’d put it aside.
Snuggling into the warmth of the leather, she put on some classical music to keep her and her baby company as she made her way through the traffic.
“Finally!” Macayla hit the gas as soon as the traffic had eased up and putting on her left turn signal, made her way onto the private road that would take her to the Business district.
“A long hot bath and some tea is in order and then a couple of hours of writing until Daddy gets home.” Taking one hand off the steering, she patted the bulge of her belly.
She was five months gone and partially planning a wedding. She’d disagreed with the Valentine’s Day date. “April is more like it. The weather will be nicer and getting married on Valentine’s Day is pretty corny. Besides, it’s going to take a few weeks to get everything together.”
Her mother, bless her heart, was even more excited than she was.
“Darling, I’ve been dreaming of this day since you turned eighteen and you’re gifting me with a grandchild and a son. I’m blessed.”
“Most women with your status would be horrified at the prospect of becoming a grandmother.”
“Those women are fools. I’m looking forward to it.”
Macayla was looking forward to it as well. The nearer the date approached the more anxious and excited she became.