Page 32 of Finding Answers For Confused Succubi
"That's okay, we can work around that until you're ready to share," Erica says.
Mandy nods and writesunknownon the board.She caps the pen and lets out a small squeak.
I look up and meet her gaze, seeing something in her eyes that worries me more than ever.This isn't just a sports injury.She'll have said if that was the case.
"Diana, where are the children now?"Erica asks.
I open my mouth to answer, only for Mandy to collapse, a loud thud sounding as she hits the floor.
"Mandy!"I'm on my feet in seconds, hurrying over to her and crouching down beside her.
She groans and rubs her head, filling me with relief that she's not unconscious, but not stopping worrying about what's happening.
"Is she okay?"Erica asks.
"I don't know."I reach out and take her hand.She curls her fingers around mine, gripping tightly and in a way that makes me feel as if she's glad I'm here with her."Are you all right?"
She nods, but I can see the lie on her face.I help her sit up and lean against the wall.
"Here," Carlton says.
I look in his direction to find him passing me her mint tea.I take it from him and hold it out for Mandy.
"Thanks," she murmurs, taking it from me.She slowly takes a sip, but I think we both know that the problem can't be solved with some liquid.Or even with food.
"Is it..."
She nods."Nothing to worry about."
I give her a look that says I know that's not true.She squeezes my hand, which I take to mean that she knows there's a bit of a problem, but she doesn't want to say anything while other people are in the room.
"Do you need me to call anyone?"Erica asks.
Mandy offers her a weak smile."I'm fine, thank you, though."
"Maybe we should call it a day, though," Carlton suggests.
I nod."Come on, I'll take you for something to eat."
"Are you sure?"Mandy reaches out and touches my arm.
Erica gives us another strange look, but I avoid her gaze.
"I don't have any other lectures today, and I owe you for the Chinese food," I remind her.
"Nuh-uh, you bought sundaes."
"If you think I'm making you pay for recovery food, then you're wrong," I say, reaching out to help her to her feet.
Mandy lets me help her and even goes as far as leaning in.I put an arm around her waist.
"Are you going to be okay?"Erica asks, meeting Mandy's gaze.I've no doubt that there's some kind of secret-girl communication going on between the two of them.
Mandy nods."I'm fine with Darius."
"Okay, good.Message me if anything changes."
"Thanks."She smiles at our group member.