Page 31 of Finding Answers For Confused Succubi
Mandy gets up and heads over to the whiteboard at the corner of the room."I'll take notes while we ask Diana questions."
"Oh, so you're all going to call me Diana now?"I ask.
"Yep."She flashes me a teasing smile.
"I think that would be the best," Erica agrees."That way you can stay in character better, and we can get the real feel for the analysis."
"Then call me Diana," I say.
"Hi, Diana," Carlton says, though I can tell he feels a little awkward about it.
"Why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself?"Mandy asks.
"I'm Diana Fairbanks, I'm forty-three years old.I have three children, all under five.Oof, that's harsh."
"Stay in character," Erica chides me.
"Sorry," I murmur.
"Do you have a partner?"Carlton asks.
"I do.David, he's fifty."
Mandy turns to the whiteboard and jots down the things I've said."Okay, what's the first question of the evaluation?"
Erica leans over her sheet."How are you feeling today, Diana?"
"Tired.I haven't been sleeping well and I need a rest, but I can't get to sleep."
"Mmm, I see how that's a problem," Erica muses, tapping her pen against her chin.
"Oh, that was a good therapist-voice," Mandy says.
"Thanks."The other girl beams."So is not sleeping the reason you've come here today?"she asks me.
"I don't know.I just need help," I respond, trying not to feel too self-conscious about the role-play.It must have been even harder for Mandy to try and come to the cupid-advice sessions with an actual problem.
I look over to her, but she doesn't seem to be having the same thought.That's something at least, I don't want her to be uncomfortable in a room full of people.Or ever, actually.
She notices me looking at her and meets my gaze.Something passes between us, though I don't have a name for what it is.
Mandy clears her throat."We haven't asked what Diana is.Shouldn't we have started with that when she didn't say something?If she's a banshee or a nightmare or something, then it'd be relevant to the situation."
"Oh, good point," Erica says and clears her throat."Diana, do you mind telling us what you are?"
"I don't like to disclose that information," I say, having located the part in the case study that says she's a ghoul but doesn't like revealing that to anyone.I didn't do it on purpose, but I seem to have picked the imaginary person who is trying to keep things hidden from the people questioning her.
Mandy raises an eyebrow, only to frown in what looks like pain.
Worry fills me at her expression, but she doesn't say anything.I'm either imagining it, or she's just got a pulled muscle from practice or something.If we were alone, I'd ask, but I'm acutely aware of Erica and Carlton being in the room and not wanting to make anything weird.
"Diana," Carlton says in a surprisingly soothing tone, his voice reminding me about what I'm supposed to be doing."I know that you might feel strange talking about these things, but this is a confidential situation, and there is a case of patient-doctor confidentiality in place.We won't reveal anything you say to anyone outside this office."
I'm surprised by how kindly he's managed to word the situation.
"I don't want to say."It's weird playing along with the thoughts of another person, even an imaginary one.