Page 12 of Finding Answers For Confused Succubi
"We could go together?"I suggest.
"Really?You'd want to go to the ball with me?"She seems surprised by that.
"Well, if you don't have anyone to go with, and I don't, it'll be much more fun if we can keep each other company."
"All right, deal.If neither of us are dating anyone by the end-of-year ball, we'll go together."She holds out her hand to me.
I take it, only for her to shake it in an exaggerated fashion.
"It's a deal," Mandy says in a serious voice.
"It is," I agree.
"Great."She smiles and looks like she wants to say something else.
"Mandy!You coming?"someone calls.
"I guess that's my cue to go."From the expression on her face, I'm not entirely convinced she wants to."I'll see you at study group?"
"Only if we don't run into one another at a random bar before that."
She lets out an amused laugh."That wouldn't be so bad, right?"
"Not at all."
"See you."She waves and heads off in the direction of the person who called out to her.
Carmel clears her throat, and I look up to find her giving me a questioning look.
"Yes?"I ask, picking up my drink and taking a sip.
"What was that?"
"Oh, that was Mandy, the girl from my study group."
"I should have guessed.Your crush is rolling off you in waves."She gestures vaguely towards me.
I roll my eyes."It's not."
"Oh, but it is."Her smile says that she thinks she's caught me.
"And we're here to talk about you, not me," I respond.
"But your crush issomuch more fun than my failed relationship."
"All right, let's make a plan, and tomorrow you'll be free of it," I say to my best friend.
She nods."I'm all ears."
I shake my head, though I'm actually glad that I can help her with this considering how much strife her girlfriend has been putting her through.So long as I can keep my mind off what she's saying about me having a crush on Mandy.I look over in the direction she's disappeared.I'm not convinced that crush is the right word, but I think I'm more drawn to her than to other people.I just have to work out what that means for me.
I knockon my best friend's door and wait for her to respond, hoping it's not a bad time, and that if it is, her favourite coffee from Pixie Cups will do the trick at getting her to forgive me.
"One sec," Evie calls from the other side of the door.Shuffling sounds follow and it creaks open, revealing the pink-haired hellhound on the other side."Mandy?You okay?"