Page 11 of Finding Answers For Confused Succubi
"Great, so you're free tomorrow, right?"
I chuckle."For you, I can be.So long as it's before either of our slots for cupid-advice giving."
Carmel groans."Why do we have to do that again?"
"Because we said we would and we're raising money for next year's activities," I remind her.
"Yeah, yeah.It's enough to make me want to quit HeartSoc."
"You wouldn't."And neither would I, even if I've somehow broken that promise every time I've tried it.
A cheer goes up from the other side of the room.
"We'll have to plot in a moment, that's going to be the winning team of the pub quiz," Carmel says."Keep yourself busy."
"Sure."I pick up my pint and take a drink, using the time to look around the room at the various people and trying to guess who they were to one another without using my cupid magic.With so many people in the room, it's kind of messing with my perception of who is feeling what.It's actually kind of nice to have all the noise, it makes it easier to ignore it.
"I can't believe we won!"someone says.
"I know, we never win."The second voice is familiar to me and I turn around to find Mandy leaning against the bar.
"Darius, hey."Her smile widens as she sees me."I didn't expect to see you here."
"Neither did I."But I'm not complaining.
"We were doing the pub quiz," she says by way of explanation."And we won."
"I don't think I was much help though."
"I doubt that," I say.
"If you think that's true, then you'd better put your money where your mouth is and team up with me for one of the pub quizzes," she suggests."Then you'll see."
"Maybe we should."
"That would be fun."Her friend taps her shoulder and leans in to say something that I can't hear, causing Mandy to nod."I'll be there in just a bit," she says to her friend.
"I'll call you when the drinks arrive."She waves and heads away.
"You don't mind if I join you, right?"she asks.
"Sure, have a seat."I resist the urge to smile at the idea she wants to spend time with me, even if it's only a few minutes until her winning drink arrives."I'm here to see Carmel anyway."
"Oh, right, sorry.She's behind the bar."I'm not sure why, but there's a part of me that feels as if she should already know something like that.Not because I've told her and she hasn't remembered, but because there's something about Mandy that makes me feel like I've known her for a lot longer than I have.
"Your girlfriend?"There's a hint of disappointment in her voice, and I have to admit that I kind of like it.
"No.Just friends," I promise."I'm not dating anyone."
She nods but doesn't say anything.
"What about you?"I ask without meaning to.Dating isn't something I'm normally very focused on, but for some reason, I want to know if she's single or not.
"Nope, no one.Which is causing a few issues when everyone's starting to talk about who they're taking to the end-of-year ball.I mean, don't get me wrong, I don't want to be dating anyonebecauseof the ball, but I worry about spending the night alone."