Page 37 of God of Fury (Legacy of Gods)
His throat works and he shivers against me. Goddamnshivers. I’m going to devour him fucking whole and leave no crumbs.
“Your bossiness turns me the fuck on,baby,” I murmur, my lips an inch away from his jaw.
I inhale his scent deep into my greedy lungs—clover, citrus, and fucking damnation.
“Only Clara calls me that,” he mutters, seeming to fight, dig, and sink his claws into that control he loves so much.
“But you didn’t get hard for Clara, did you,baby?” I bite out, inching closer. I’m fucking intoxicated, struggling to stop myself from licking him like an ice cream cone. “I can always test it real quick.”
My fingers slide from his throat to cup his jaw, my eyes zeroing in on his luscious, tempting lips.
He shudders and drops his arm from my neck to shove it against my chest.
Only, it’s trembling.
Like the rest of him.
And he’snotpushing.
His Adam’s apple bobs up and down. “Don’t you dare.”
“Or what,baby?”
“Nikolai, if you don’t stop, so help me God, I will…”
“What? You’re leaving me in suspense again,baby.”
He swallows again, and this time, I can’t help it. I’m a fucking masochist who’s hung up on this dick.
Figuratively, of course.
I dart my tongue out and lick along his jaw, all shaven and clean like the rest of him. He tastes of goddamn citrus and I want to drown in it even if it stings.
I was never good with self-preservation anyway.
He shivers again, like a leaf, his hand remaining on my pec, but now, he’s digging his fingers in my skin and I’m not sure if he realizes he’s doing it.
It’s not enough. This is far from fucking enough.
I need more and more andeverything.
I trail my tongue down the hollow of his throat and bite on his Adam's apple like I’ve fantasized. And fuck me, it tastes better than any fantasy.
Hetastes like my own downfall and I’m ready to drown in it.
A groan rips from Brandon’s lips and I pause, my chest expanding and my dick thickening against my shorts until I’m sure I’ll burst.
Give me fuckingmore.
I slide my tongue back up to his chin, his cut jawline, and stop near his lips, mine hovering, my nostrils flaring, and my breaths coming out heavy and deep.
His exhales match my own, distorted and chopped off. Unorganized and completely out of fucking control.
Just the way I want him.
I’m going to swallow those lips and feast on his tongue until he forgets all traces ofClara.