Page 36 of God of Fury (Legacy of Gods)
“Listen to me, you thick fucker. I’ve been tolerating your nonsense for far too long, but enough is enough. You’re not my peer, friend, or anything in between. So crawl back into your hole and stop being in my fucking space or I will crush you.”
“Talk dirty to me, baby.”
He growls and I shove my face in his, erasing the few inches separating us. I could easily remove his arm, but I love the pressure.
I love that he lost control enough to get physical. Up close andpersonal.
“That’s what she calls you, right?Baby. No, it’s the less glamorous version.Babe. Tell me the truth, did you get a boner because you were kissing her or because I got an erection for you? It’s not good form to look at a guy’s hard-on when you’re kissing your girlfriend, don’t you think?”
“Nikolai,” he growls again, the sound masculine and fucking delicious. I want to reach out and suck it from between his lips and jam it down my throat.
But most of all, I love that his control is unraveling, ripping at the edges, and leaving a mess of goo in its wake.
This is the hottest I’ve ever seen him, and I’ve always found him mouthwateringly sexy.
Right now, though, I don’t think I can take it slow or easy. If I’m left to my own devices, I’ll fuck him all up for good. I’ll throw him down and have my way with him. There won’t be patience or diplomacy. Therewillbe choking, grunting, fucking, fucking, and morefucking.
Jesus Christ.Chill, Kolya. We can’t scare him away.
“Mmm. I love the sound of my name on your lips. Say it again,baby.”
“I’m going to fucking kill you.” His arm presses further into my neck until it’s hard to breathe, but if I have to smash my own vocal cords to egg him on, that’s exactly what I’ll do.
“Tell me more. I’m getting all hot and bothered with your foreplay. I love it when you curse,baby.”
“You fucking—” He cuts himself off, nostrils flaring and cheeks slightly flushed, but then his expression closes.
I can see him slowly pulling himself together and eclipsing behind that giant wall.
Nah, hell no. Fuckthat.
I grab his free arm and shove him with my body mass and that’s when the most beautiful thing happens.
Brandon Uptight King steps back once, twice, and lets me push him, his eyes glazed over, and a tremor rushes through his entire body and beneath my fingers.
He downrightflincheswhen his back hits the opposite wall, his slightly flushed skin looking like goddamn art against the dark-red wallpaper.
His arm remains against my throat, but he lost the battle, my Prince Charming, all wound up and staring with those wide fucking eyes.
My chest presses to his and I can feel his heartbeat thundering against mine—thud, thud, and fuckingthud—as I wrap my fingers around his throat.
He swallows, chest galloping and goosebumps erupting on the backs of his hands.
Bran would hit me if I were to say this out loud, but he’s the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever seen.
There’s a note of innocence beneath his grouchy, standoffish edge, and I want to latch on to it, suck it dry.
Destroy him through it.
I inch my lips close to the corner of his as I whisper, “You want to know what I think, lotus flower? I think you were fighting your goddamn demons to kiss her. The deeper you went, the more forced it looked. The longer you had your mouth against hers, the more burdened you looked, so it’s safe to say you weren’t hard because of her.”
“Shut your fucking mouth,” he says and tries to push me with his other hand.
I snatch his wrist and slam it on the wall above his head.