Page 31 of Maxwell
“I’m absolutely wonderful.”
“Good. Well then, goodnight.”
He hung up before she could say anything else and felt as if he was going to explode. She was the only person who’d ever been able to get him off his game. He was pissed at her. She should be here with him.
They should both be enjoying a glass of wine and enjoying the spectacular view from his terrace. Instead, they were fighting from a distance. He didn’t have the freedom to march over to her place and confront her, and she wasn’t free to come to him. He was restricted and didn’t like it one bit.
Tossing back the drink, he slammed the glass on the smooth surface of the mantle, his expression ominous. Grabbing his jacket, he strode from the room and upstairs. To hell with her, he was through trying to do things her way.
Taking a long relaxing bath didn’t do the trick. She was furious and agitated and should have followed her instinct and not answered the phone. He was a jerk and she should break things off with him. It wasn’t working out. Stepping out of the bubbles, she reached for the towel and wrapped it around her.
She refused to shed a tear over him. If he wants to get together with that- that bitch! She cringed at the violent and debasing term. She wanted to shout and throw things and that wasn’t her. She prided herself on being in complete control and always have her composure about her.
She wasn’t the type of person to indulge in a scene, she avoided anything like that as best as she could. She’d been brought up in a decent household where things were discussed in a rational manner.
She wasn’t accustomed to brawls and had never felt so much like crying and tearing her hair out before. He brought out the worst in her. She was feeling weepy and angry at the same time and that had been the case ever since they met. She was jealous of every woman he’d ever been with.
He was hers – he’d been with her for the past six months and she’d become territorial. How could she not be? The way he made love to her, the way he made her feel, was something she wasn’t willing to picture doing with anyone. It was driving her crazy and seeing him with that woman made her want to commit violence.
She was appalled at what had happened to her. Dragging off the towel, she dug out a sensible pink and white nightgown and dragged it over her head. She’d been so intimate with him. She felt her skin flush and heat up when she thought of how she’d taken him into her mouth, and what he’d done with his tongue.
It had felt deliriously good as well as scandalous. He’d admitted that he’d gone down on other women and that a lot of them had gone down on him. It was no big deal to him. Plopping down on the vanity stool, she picked up the brush and stared at herself in the mirror. She looked tired and knew she wouldn’t get much sleep.
She had things to do tomorrow, including the planning for the women’s auxiliary members at the Catholic church she attends. It was a big deal and she was in charge of heading the team.
She was going to have the meeting at the church and sort out the different things needed to be done to get things rolling. She didn’t have time to sit and pine over him.
She longed to feel his strong arms wrapped around her body. To feel him deep inside her. To hear the sound of his deep voice whispering in her ear. The feel of his lips on hers and his lean muscular body on hers. Biting her lip, she pulled the brush through her hair and ignored the tears that were starting to fall.
“My dear, it never ceases to amaze me how much you look like your mother!” Lillian Baker-Thomas exclaimed as she embraced her warmly. “You’re doing such a good thing.” She linked her hand through Alessia’s arm.
“I read in the papers how you and the other ladies have been making such wonderful strides. I’m proud to be associated with you. How’s your dear father doing?”
“He was at services on Sunday, remember?” She asked in amusement as they made their way to one of the large conference rooms where the meeting was scheduled to be held.
“Yes he was.” She smiled prettily, light blue eyes twinkling. “I wasn’t used to seeing him without you by his side.” She squeezed Alessia’s arm. “You’ve been there for him since Arlen died and I’m sure he appreciates your devotion.”
“He’s a good dad.”
“That he is. Here we are, darling. The women came earlier to set up and the medical team is over there.” She pointed to the corner of the room where the doctors and nurses had set up their station. The medical team had come out to service not just the exclusive neighborhood, but those in and around the surrounding areas.
Alessia had seen what was needed and had put it to the board members of the church. There were ailing members of the church who weren’t able to make it to service, as well as those who lived alone with family members who are far away.
“Darling.” Michael came over to give her a hug. “Now that you’ve dragged me out of the very cushy hospital, with the very rich patients, I can safely say you owe me.”
“You’re being paid in full by tending to these people.” She gestured to the ones already sat on benches.
“We’ll see.” His eyes searched her face and she wondered if she’d put enough makeup on. As predicted, sleep had eluded her.
“Some time to chat is in order.”
“I doubt you’ll have the time. You’re going to be very busy.”
He grimaced at that. “So, I see.” Pecking her on the cheek, he went to tend to his first patient.