Page 30 of Maxwell
No doubt there’d be something to eat in the warmer, but he wasn’t hungry. He had some contracts to look over and the acquisition of a small computer lab. He’d take his drink up to the terrace and enjoy the view while sipping his drink and working.
Biting off a sigh, he dragged out his phone and punched her number. He didn’t expect her to answer and almost sagged in relief when she did. The sound of her cultured voice had him going weak.
“I’m guessing from the snotty sound of your voice that you’re pissed. Can’t imagine why.”
“Who is she?”
“Annie- “
“I know her name, but who is she to you?”
“A friend. Look, I’m sorry you were put in an uncomfortable position- “
“Uncomfortable? Is that how you term it?”
He bristled at her tone and the fact that she was behaving as if she’d caught him with his pants down.
“It was business.”
“I saw the way she was with you.”
“What way?” He demanded.
“She was touching you.”
“For a minute I thought you were going to say she was giving me a blow job.”
“You’re despicable.”
“Why? Because I speak my mind?” He blew out a breath. “It was a simple lunch. She caught me when I’d just finished a meeting and said she needed my kind of help.”
“Have you slept with her?”
“Not recently.”
“Is she with you now?”
He ground off a curse word. “Why don’t you come and check for yourself? Oh, I forgot, Daddy won’t allow it.”
“Are you doing this to punish me?” She whispered.
“Yes, Alessia, I accepted the invitation to lunch and I also happened to somehow know that you would be at that location at that particular time. My superpower of reading your mind is astounding. Considering I never chose the particular restaurant in the first place, is something else altogether.”
“Do you still have feelings for her?” The hurt in her voice was twisting him inside out and he wished he could gather her into his arms and kiss her.
“Yeah.” He swallowed the whiskey and didn’t take the time to savor the taste of it.
“She’s a friend.”
“Who was a lover.”
“That too.”
“You can always go back to her.”
His anger spiked. “That’s a thought. Anyway, I called to see how you were.”