Page 33 of Room Thirty: Perfect Little Doll
Not that she minded, if her body clinging to mine when I pulled back had anything to say about it. Her lips swollen and dark eyes slightly hooded, filled with lust, stared up at me. All I wanted to do was toss her over my shoulder and haul her to the closest bed.
As if sensing my need and loss of control, Carey cleared his throat. “We have a flight to catch,” he reminded me. I rolled my neck and leaned in for one more taste of her lips before I found the strength to step back.
“Come on, baby girl,” Fox’ scratchy voice added. “Are you ready?” He extended his hand, and she looked at it, then at me before her eyes bounced to Carey and back at Fox.
I hadn’t realized I was holding my breath until she reached for Fox’ freckled hand, and I exhaled slowly. The moment she did that, she unknowingly sealed her fate.
Or maybe she knew exactly what she was doing the whole time?
The flight was hell.Turbulent and bumpy. I wished we had gone with a better location for us to sweep Serena off her feet.
But I’d understood why it had to be in New Orleans.
Not only was there a Club Sin location there now, but it was the first place we had traveled to with her.
I still remembered that trip as if it had just happened.
The way her eyes had lit up at every turn. The way she’d looked at buildings like they were priceless pieces of art. And the moans of every bite of food she’d taken haunted me again and again.
“Nervous?” she asked in a hushed tone I knew she meant for my ears only.
“I’m not a fan of being in the air,” I muttered. It wasn’t a secret. I hated flying. Usually, I had a drink to help take the edge off, but I had wanted to be in control and fully aware around her.
“Yet you fly all over the world for your clients.”
“I do anything to get the job done.” I faked a grin, but I knew with the way she looked at me she didn’t believe it. She blinked once then twice before she undid her seatbelt and moved to the seat next to mine.
Ronan was sleeping across the aisle, and Carey was on his laptop because the man never stopped working. It was how he stayed two, three, sometimes four steps ahead of everything.
Either way, none of them blinked an eye as she sat next to me.
“What are you doing?” I asked, but she didn’t answer me. Instead, she pulled the seatbelt over her lap, clicking it in place before resting her head against my shoulder.
I had no idea why I was surprised by her actions. Serena was one of the most caring, kind souls I had ever come across. A peace like I’d never known filled my veins, but when her hand found mine, and the inside of her warm, soft palm covered the top of my own hand, something else came into place. Peace, comfort, and desire all mingled and danced together. Blending into a warm, fuzzy sensation I never wanted to live without.
“What are you looking forward to when we land?” she asked, obviously trying to make conversation. I gave her a poignant look, and when she glanced away shyly, I knew she saw it.
She was the thing I was looking forward to.
“Seriously.” Her hand squeezed twice. “Talk to me.”
“Taking you to the French Quarter. You should see the hotel we’re staying in. I think you’ll like it.
“You guys didn’t have to do all this and go through all this work. We could have stayed back in LA.”
“But we didn’t,” I interrupted. “These next couple of days, go with it. Don’t worry about how much was spent or shit like that.”
“Shh.” I leaned in lower, pressing my forehead against hers. “I know you, Serena. You’re too fucking sweet for your own good. Let us spoil you.”
“You’re on a plane when you don’t have to be for me. That’s already too—” I shot her a look, daring her to finish that sentence. Which luckily for her, she didn’t. Instead, she pressed her lips together and shifted. She rested her head back against my shoulder, and I kissed the top of her head.
“The rooms are incredible. And we have reservations somewhere we want to take you.”
“Club Sin?” she guessed, and I stilled. Pulling back to get a better look at her.