Page 28 of Room Thirty: Perfect Little Doll
“No.“ I swallowed hard, almost painfully. Every nerve ending in my body was awake. My skin felt stretched taut over my body. I wanted her to touch me, but just the offer, fuck, just the offer had me way too close to embarrassing myself. “In time, everyone will know you belong to us.”
“You sound so sure of that. Of us. The four of us.” There was no denying the speculation in her whispered tone, but I could see the hope in her eyes.
It had my heart aching for her.
Our girl hadn’t lived an easy life. She’d had to overcome trial after trial of adversity. And every time, she rose from the ashes with grace. But she was not alone. Not anymore. If we were being honest, she hadn’t been for the last six months.
She’d find out tomorrow.
“That’s where that trust we keep asking you to give us falls in.” I winked. I exhaled roughly. “Come on, you need to get home and eat and rest. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day,” I warned her, dangling a carrot in front of her, and when her dark eyes widened, I knew she heard the hint in my voice.
“Very.” I smiled. “But don’t worry. You don’t have to do anything but—”
“Trust you.” she guessed, and I grinned.
“Trust the three of us. We got you, Serena. I promise.” She licked her lips, and I could feel the nerves and anticipation radiating from her. I wished we would have made a different plan than sending her back to her place.
“You going to drive safe for me, baby girl?” Her eyes stayed trained on mine for a moment. She opened and then shut her mouth only to nod. “Good girl,” I praised.
I would be following close behind her to make sure she got home safely. Not that she would know that or see me. I opened the driver’s side door for her, and before she slipped in, I hugged her. Held her in my arms for a long moment. She hugged me back tightly.
It wasn’t a kiss, but I would take it.
When I pulled back, I dropped my lips to the top of her forehead. She looked up at me, and all I wanted to do was pull her over my shoulder and carry her off like some kind of demented caveman.
But I didn’t.
I needed to stay on course.
“Dinner will be waiting for you,” I promised, and I got the honor of watching our girl melt a little in front of me. A brick from the walls she had built to protect herself fell. She trusted us with her body. We just needed to work on letting herself trust us enough with her heart.
Something I was positive Fox, Carey, and I could accomplish, together.
Sleep had not been easy.I tossed and turned all night. Only to find myself reaching beneath the covers and letting my imagination run wild as I stroked myself to completion. My muffled scream ofdaddieswas for my ears only. Usually when I gave in and played, I felt slightly guilty about calling them that after.
But they had fed into the fantasy all day. All their words floated into my head as I took care of myself. But even when I had made myself come, sweating and a little tired, I was still aching for more.
Like I always did.
Something I had a feeling would last until whatever they had planned came to fruition.
True to his word, Ronan had had a delivery boy waiting at my door to hand me my dinner. When I tried to tip him, the kid had shaken his head and smiled, letting me know it had already more than generously been taken care of before he ran off.
I’d walked into my tiny apartment, and it had somehow felt too big.
Too lonely.
I’d set the food at the coffee table before walking into my bedroom to change into joggers and a tank that had seen better days. It was stained from when I got a bug up my butt to paint my dresser teal after seeing a picture of a bedroom in a magazine in the office. The room had been decorated in dark woods and decorated in deep teals with small touches of the most beautiful shade or rich plum.
With my hair tossed up in a messy bun, I’d returned to the living room, poured myself a glass of wine, and sat down at my couch to eat. The food was perfect. Flavorful and filling. But I couldn’t seem to enjoy it completely. I hadn’t bothered to turn on the TV even for background noise. Not when I knew I wouldn’t be able to be distracted from thinking about anything but them all through dinner and even beyond.
My bosses.