Page 6 of Dragon's Den of Pleasure
He leans in and takes my nipples between his lips, sucking on them, his tongue swirling around my areola. I don't think I've ever had them sucked so hard before. I squeal and feel myself going crazy inside. What will happen when the inside part reaches the outside? I don't know if I'll ever be able to stop. I don't know if I'll throw myself down on this man and ride him until he's nothing more than a torso on the ground. I don't know if I'll cry out and writhe in ecstasy all night long.
He thrusts deeper inside of me, my hands pressing against his chest as I moan with pleasure. He holds me in the air thrusting but backing up until we reach the couch. I can’t understand how a man can be so coordinated but he sits without ever leaving my pussy and so, we're both on the couch, me straddling him.
How the hell does he manage that without coming out of me? He takes one of my nipples in his mouth, and I moan more loudly, my head falling back, and then I gasp as he pushes deeper inside of me. I squeeze my eyes shut, my stomach tightening. Suddenly I feel as though I've burst apart, my orgasm crashing through me like a wave of pleasure. I cry out as it overtakes me. My body shakes, and my pussy contracts around Drake's cock. How do I have an orgasm so quickly with no foreplay at all?
I want to focus on him now, to move my body to make him cum but it's damned hard to concentrate on anything while the pleasure rushes over me. All I can really do is hang on. I manage to move my hips some, though.
Drake's breathing is growing ragged. He's thrusting harder now. I lean in and press my lips against his, and I can feel him tremble as he approaches orgasm. He grabs my hair, holding my mouth against his as we kiss. I can taste the tobacco on his tongue as he cums, and for some reason, the taste is intoxicating to me.
Hell, everything is intoxicating to me. Each pulse of his throbbing cock sends a powerful climax through me. Or maybe it’s just another peak of my climax. I’m not really sure what to call it. It’s more intense than anything I’ve ever experienced in my life. I know I’ve had orgasms before, but this one is so powerful that I can’t be blamed for wondering for a moment if this is the first true climax I’ve ever experienced.
I'm still shaking from the crazy orgasm, and now I'm trembling with the effort of holding myself up over him. He's growling in my ear, and I can feel his cock still twitching.
And then we're lying there, on the couch, and I don't know what to say or to think. He cradles me in his arms, kissing my forehead and murmuring into my ear words I can't quite catch. For the first time in a very long time, I feel safe. Well, let me amend that, safer. Yeah, safer.
"What do I do now?" I ask, my body moving in time with his.
"Whatever you want," he says, his voice warm and soothing. "Whatever you want."
I lay my head on his chest. "What do you want?" I ask.
"You have plans for your trip to the mountains. You are here for how long?”
“Two weeks,” I breathe out, “Eleven more days.”
“You will stay here with me," he says. He doesn't ask. He simply tells me. For some reason, I like that he phrases it as a command and not a request.
I close my eyes and allow myself to drift to sleep to the sound of his powerful heartbeat.
I supposeI’m not unique among men of any race in that I have a high sex drive. I don’t even suppose that my sex drive is much higher than most human men. If anything, you could argue that it’s lower. After all, there are several stretches in my life where I go decades without ever having sex or even wanting sex. There are decades that I don’t see a female at all unless it’s an elk or another animal I’m hunting.
But when I meet a woman I want, my need becomes overpowering and all-consuming. Six times I have taken a lover, and all six times, I have spent much of my time with that lover engaging in every kind of sex you can think of.
There’s another legend, perhaps less well-known than other dragon legends, that dragons have a particular affinity for young, usually virginal women. They capture these women and take them to their lairs and essentially keep them as kidnapped brides.
Oddly enough, that legend might actually be the most rooted in truth. The part about virginity is just bullshit. I’m truly unsure why anyone would be so concerned with virginity. I mean, I know that the answer is rooted in various religious traditions and I’ve heard from some that those traditions probably have an evolutionary link to the desire to spread one’s own genes and the guarantee virginity provides that a woman will care for your offspring and not another’s, but why a thinking, rational being should prefer a woman with no sexual experience to one with sexual experience is baffling to me.
But the part about dragons obsessing over a particular woman is absolutely true. All six of my lovers consumed all of my attention and received all of it. I showered them with affection and wealth beyond the wildest desires of any woman and they repaid me by giving me their bodies and their devotion. It was willing on their part. I don’t mean to brag, but I’m probably better at sex than any human man, partly because of the physical gifts I enjoy as a dragon, even in human form, and partly—especially where the later lovers are concerned—because I have far more experience than any human.
They all grew old.
And I had to deal with the terrible moment when I lost them to time.
But this one, this seventh lover, is different. Sienna encapsulates another superstition, that the number seven is a perfect number. Where other lovers captured me sexually, she captures me completely: mind, body, soul, spirit, emotion, and fantasy.
That’s not to diminish the way she captures me sexually. In the few days that she’s lived here with me, we’ve had sex or some kind of sexual encounter an average of four or five times a day. Each time, it was better than the last, and the first time was better by far than anything I’d ever experienced in my life before her arrival here.
It’s not that she’s necessarily more talented than any other woman I’ve had, although she is incredibly talented. It’s not that she’s more beautiful than any other woman I’ve been with, although she is. It’s that fulfilling her fulfills me more than anything else I’ve ever done, anything else I’ve ever felt. She is perfect and wonderful beyond the definition of wonder and perfection and knowing that I can please a woman like this makes my own pleasure incomparably more powerful.
I cannot tell you the specific reasons. All I know is that I am compelled to adore her. I’m compelled to need her. I’m compelled to want her, and I’m compelled to do all I can to bring her happiness, safety, security, and pleasure.
I don’t have a choice. I am helpless in her presence to resist the urges within me.
At the moment, I’m fascinated by the way her body reacts to another orgasm I’m giving her with my mouth this morning. My senses are far sharper than any humans, and I can detect through my hands, my lips, and my tongue the way every muscle in her thighs shivers and trembles with ecstasy. I can feel her stomach flex rhythmically as her vagina squeezes and throbs with the spasms of her climax. I can feel her clitoris shivering and when I slide two fingers inside her, I can feel her g-spot—the back end of her clitoris that presses against the vaginal wall—shivering as well.