Page 5 of Dragon's Den of Pleasure
That’s not exactly a lie, but it’s not exactly the whole truth either. I can’t exactly tell her that I caught her as she fell nearly to her death.
“Oh,” she says. “Wow. Thank you.”
She sways a little, and just before she falls to the floor, I catch the empty soup bowl with one hand and the girl with the other. I carry her to the little room in the cabin, and I take a little pride in the fact that I resist the urges that rise up within me while I see her perfect form lying in my bed.
Damn, she’s beautiful.
Drake's Roost
I don't know if this is all about the way I'm rescued. I don't know if it's just adrenaline or what. I certainly don't know why I feel safe with this complete stranger. Actually,safeis probably the wrong word. I don't feel like I'm in danger, but with a man with so much behind his eyes... Well, I don't think anyone could ever call Drake safe.
Anyway, I can't tell you why I do what I do when I wake up. I can tell you, though, that my heart beats like crazy as I get up from the bed, lift my shirt up and off, and then slide my panties down and off. My heart beats like crazy as I walk naked out of the room and then follow the sound of the crackling fire to the front of the cabin.
He sits on the big chair smoking a pipe. Damn, this man looks good. I walk forward, and I'm about halfway to him when he looks up and sees me. His eyes grow wide, and I see something else grow inside of his pants.
I can't help but feel a thrill at the sight of his arousal. I've never seen a man so completely and utterly consumed by desire before. It's almost intoxicating.
Drake takes a long drag on his pipe, the smoke billowing around his head like a halo. "Well, well, well," he says, his voice low and husky. "What do we have here?"
I stop just in front of him, my body trembling with anticipation. "I... I wanted to thank you," I say, my voice barely above a whisper. "For saving me."
He smiles and says, "You understand I have no expectations of you? You realize I did what I did without imagining you would ever pay me back at all?"
I nod. I might be uncomfortable except the bulge in his pants makes it very, very clear what he wants, and what he wants is very clearly me.
"I understand," I whisper, "But I still want to thank you."
Drake sets his pipe down on the end table beside him and stands up. He reaches me in three of his steps, towering over me. "Is that so?" he asks, his hands moving to my waist. "And how do you plan on thanking me?"
I don't know what comes over me. Maybe it's the adrenaline, or maybe it's something else entirely. But before I know it, I'm pulling him towards me, pressing my lips against his.
At first, he goes rigid, his body tense, as though he's unused to a woman being the aggressor. It doesn't matter because then he kisses me back and I melt against him, going limp in his arms. His tongue pushes past my lips and into my mouth. I feel his hands slide to my back, gripping my ass. I moan against his mouth, our tongues dancing. I feel alive, excited.
And I can tell you at that moment, I am no longer the aggressor. While I’m most certainly the instigator, the initiator, and the… I give up. While I’m definitely the person who started this, Drake is going to finish it. Hell, he’s not just going to finish it. He’s going to take over right now.
My goodness, I feel more excited than I ever have before in my entire life. I feel as if I might explode. I might not know exactly what's happening or why or what this means but I know I don't want it to end.
He pulls away from me and in the firelight, I see that his eyes are glittering. He pulls me in close, my body pressed against him, and I feel his erection pressing against my stomach. He's hard, like a steel rod. I lean in and kiss him again, my hands pushing down on his chest and then moving down to his waist.
I unbuckle his belt with shaking fingers.
"Good girl," he says. Damn, why does that turn me on so damned much?
I push his jeans down, feeling his cock press up against my leg. God, I'm so wet, soaked, really. I reach down and take his cock in my hands, stroking him up and down slowly. Notice I sayhandsand not hand? He's huge. One hand just isn’t enough.
"I want you," I say. "I want you so bad." My voice sounds small and almost weak, like I’m just trying to regain a measure of control, to be a participant again and not… Fuck, I think too much.
"I want you too," he says, his hands moving to my hips. He lifts me up and brings me down. I don't know if I'm guiding his cock or he's guiding my body, but it slips inside of my pussy. I gasp, the feeling of him inside of me like nothing I've ever experienced before. It’s one thing to notice he’s big when I hold him in my hands. It’s quite another thing to realize he’s big when he’s splitting my pussy in half.
He's big. Damn, he's big.
I wrap my legs around his waist. At least I think I do. I'm kind of out of it right now. Well, my legs are definitely around him. I can feel the heels of my feet digging into the small of his back as I lean forward. His hands grip my ass and he starts to bounce me on his cock. It’s wild. I’ve never felt so alive, so free, so in touch with myself.
His hands move with my ass, pushing me up and down on his cock.