Page 24 of No More Secrets
“Maybe.” She gives another one of her shrugs.
“It’s his loss, Sadie. Van adores you, and he never likes anyone.”
“He is kinda a grump.” She snorts a laugh.
“Maybe it’s in the Donovan blood,” I tease.
“Cooper’s sweet.”
“Unless something isn’t going his way. Trust me. He has his moments.”
“But even then, it’s still adorable.” Adorable is not in the top twenty words I would use to describe Cooper. “It’s nice seeing someone in love.”
I already know where her head is going. If Sadie isn’t studying for school, she has her nose in her Kindle, reading.
“I’m sure you’ll have your pick of boys.”
“Whatever.” She blushes. “Do you think we can go for a drive?”
“Whoa. Really?”
“Van has to run me home after school. I should be able to get myself around.”
“You know he doesn’t care, nor do I. If you’re not ready—”
“I’m ready.” She stands up to put her sneakers on.
“All right then. We can drive to the little shopping center. I saw a taco place there.” I hand her the keys. We need some girl time. There’s a lot of testosterone flowing in this house lately. It’ll be nice for it to be just the two of us.
“Seat belt,” she says the second we get into the car.
“You got this.” I click my belt on. “See, it’s not so bad.”
“We’re only at the end of the driveway, Mom.” Sadie laughs but turns out onto the street.
“Take a left at the second stop sign,” I direct her. She pulls up to the first stop sign. The sound of a screeching vehicle pulls my attention. “Stay.” I put my hand out, seeing a white van speeding down the road.
“I don’t think they’re going to stop.” I don’t think so either. I spot a cop car behind it with its lights on, chasing it. There is a teenager behind the wheel.
“Just let it pass through,” I tell Sadie.
Except it doesn’t pass through. It takes a hard left at the last second, hitting us head-on. All I can hear is Sadie’s scream before darkness takes me.
I burstthrough the hospital doors and race to the nurse’s station. “Fischl Vanni? Where is she? What’s her status?” The questions shoot out like bullets from a gun, sharp and fast. The woman in green blinks at me and then starts typing slowly. A growl builds in my throat, but before I do anything stupid, a familiar arm falls across my chest.
“Whoa, there, Coop. Don’t shout at the nice nurses.” Big Ed pulls me to the side and looks over my shoulder. “Where’s the rest of the crew?”
“The rest of who?” My mind’s on one thing right now, and that’s Fischl.
“Your son. Your other son. The second dad?”
“Home. Home. Who the fuck knows? Fischl? Sadie?”
“Can’t tell you about Sadie because you’re not her guardian, but Fischl…” He trails off, rubbing a finger across his lower lip. “Car got hit head on landing more on the driver’s side, Coop. She’s in the OR because her lung collapsed.”