Page 23 of No More Secrets
“What? When? You’re keeping secrets now?” Sebastian hasn’t told me about any of this.
“I guess old habits die hard.” Shit. I hate that he hides who he really is. “Watching you with him. It has me thinking.”
“Oh?” I perk up. Both he and Sadie have been melancholy over the last few weeks. Van and Dunc keep themselves busy. They haven’t gotten into it again, but I know the two of them don’t like each other.
“I want it. What you have.” My heart breaks for him. We have had each other, but it still can get lonely.
“You deserve it.” I mean that from the depths of my heart. Sebastian deserves to find the type of love that Coop and I share.
“Thanks.” I get up to go around his desk and give him a hug. “Did you need something?” he asks.
“I was going to leave early if you don’t need me for anything else.”
“Got plans with Cooper?” He gives me a teasing smile. Sebastian has been the one to come around the quickest to all of the recent changes in our lives. But honestly, I didn’t expect anything less from him. He’s always been my biggest cheerleader and only wants me to be happy. That is what he cares about at the end of the day. He only hated Cooper because he thought he hurt me.
“No, I was actually going to see if I can lure Sadie out to talk.”
“I tried.” Sebastian shakes his head. “Out of all the kids, she’s been the one that is always saying she’s okay with everything, but she’s really not.”
“I know. I’m going to get to the bottom of it.”
“Good luck,” he says as I head out of the office.
Sadie can be the hardest to get anything out of. It took Van seeing the girls from school picking on her before we got her to talk to us about it. She never wants to make waves.
“Sadie,” I call when I enter the house. The whole place is quiet, but I know she’s home. I head upstairs to her bedroom. “Sadie.” I knock on her door.
“Come in.” She sits up on her bed.
“You haven’t done anything to your room yet?” She shrugs. “What’s going on?” I sit down on the bed next to her.
“Nothing.” Which in teenager language meanseverything. I guess she’s gonna make me pull it out of her.
“Come on. Us girls, we're supposed to stick together.” I bump her shoulder with mine.
“Are we?” I don’t like the sad tone in her voice.
“Sadie.” I turn to face her. “What's going on?”
“Dad and I will leave.”
“I mean, it makes sense. We don’t fit anymore.” She drops her eyes to stare down at her fingers that she’s wringing together. Her words hit me like a ton of bricks.
“Sweetheart. You’re my daughter.” I can’t help but get choked up. I had no idea she was feeling this way.
“I was someone else's daughter, and they left too,” she whispers, breaking my heart. “Van’s dad didn’t really leave him.”
“Your birth mom walking away gave you to me. You’re my daughter. I chose you.” I grab her hands. “That makes you extra special.”
A smile pulls at her lips. “He doesn’t want us here.”
“No, he’s actually really nice. He’s really sweet to you.” It hits me that she’s talking about Dunc. I thought it was only he and Van that were going at it. But obviously, that’s not the case.
“It’s a big change for everyone. Dunc might have the same fears as you. He lost his parents too.” I know it may sound like I’m making excuses for his behavior, but that’s not the case. I’m trying to look at things from all sides.