Page 60 of Making Magic In Suite Twenty-one
As soon as I opened it, I knew it wasn’t. It was in Tabiqian, which he didn’t speak or write.
That’s all. No signature. Nothing. It was meant to scare me. It was working.
“Where did this come from?” I asked.
“I am not sure. It was at the desk when I returned from using the restroom last night. I came to your room to deliver it at that time, but you didn’t answer. The same this morning. I was beginning to fear that something was wrong, and you were ill.”
Nope. I was feeling on cloud nine last night. This morning, well that was a different story.
“Is Mr. Stone available?” I asked.
“Which one, ma’am?”
“Bennett,” I clarified.
“No. He just left the resort. Would you like to speak to the other Mr. Stone?”
Yes, but what could he do? Lie to me and tell me it would be okay? Because it was not. This told me that I was not as safe here as they thought.
“No. I’d like for you to arrange for transportation for me,” I said.
“Guests are not allowed to leave the resort,” she said.
I smiled. “That is for guests, but I am Tabiqian. This is my home. I know it better than any of them,” I reminded her.
“Yes, ma’am. I’ll make the arrangements and return shortly with the details.”
“Thank you,” I said and closed the door.
I wasn’t safe here. Not at the hospital either. I had no idea where I was going, but I’d find one, even if it meant I had to leave Tabiq.
That was it. If I couldn’t work, then why not take a vacation somewhere else?
As I packed, I thought of all the things I’d like to see but never had the time off to go. Paris sounded wonderful, but too romantic and it would only make me miss Ryker. Scotland looked beautiful but what a waste if I had no one to share it with.
There was no point going through a list when it always ended the same way. Traveling alone wasn’t for me either. I could ask Dedra to go but she had a boyfriend. If she was going anywhere, I'd like to think it was with him.
Guess I’m not meant to go anywhere.
Even though I loved Tabiq, I’d always wanted to travel. And when I went to Boston to study, it only gave me the itch to do so even more. But that was the life of the rich, and that wasn’t me. I wasn’t poor. I had money put aside but not to see every place on my bucket list.
Dreams aren’t meant to come true, or you wouldn’t have anything left to dream of.
There was another knock on the door. That receptionist was so fast I hadn’t even finished packing the items I’d collected since staying here. I opened the door to find someone standing there holding several dozens of wildflowers.
“Can I help you?” I asked.
Ryker's voice came from behind all those flowers. “Do you have a vase?” he asked.
I chuckled. “I think I’d need the bathtub to hold all of those. Where did you get them?” I asked, knowing that we had one florist in town, and he’d have to purchase the entire shop to get that many.
“Picked them.”
“Yourself?” I said, shocked.
“Yes, and for the record, one flower is light, but you pick enough of them, and they get heavy,” he said, hinting for me to let him inside.