Page 59 of Making Magic In Suite Twenty-one
“Once again, it sounds like you’re talking from experience.”
“Hell yes. I’ve spent the night more than once on the couch. One thing about Stone men, we are good at saying the wrong thing at the worst time. How is it that any woman loves us, is still a mystery,” he said. “I know Zoey is an angel.”
I laughed. “Hey, that’s something we finally agree on.”
He glared at me. “Then hopefully, just this once, you’ll take my advice. Now I got to go and check on my men. And then I need to report to Reesa with their status.”
“How is she doing?” I asked.
“Don’t know since no one wants to tell us what is going on with her.” He cocked a brow and asked, “Unless you know anything that I don’t.”
“No. Meri hasn’t shared anything. But I can tell you that a few days ago, she stopped in to see Reesa.”
“You forget, the drivers are my men. I knew that,” he said.
Of course, you fucking did. Then why ask?
“Then you are aware she brought her medical bag.” He nodded. “You know as much as I do. Meri refuses to divulge anything. And honestly, I respect her for that. I mean, she’s extremely loyal to Reesa.”
“That she is. What surprises me is why Meri and not Finn. From what I gather, he has no clue that Reesa hasn’t been well.”
“I don’t get that. Why wouldn’t she want her husband, who is an amazing surgeon, to know that she is ill?” I asked.
“What is more puzzling is why confide in Meri. From what I know, they weren’t friends before this,” he said.
“Obviously they are now.”
“Is it me or is everything around Nurse Meri puzzling?”
I laughed. “You should be in my shoes. I can read most people, but not her.” And that frustrated and appealed to me. That’s what made my going to talk to her all the more challenging. The odds weren’t in my favor when it came to fixing this. Couldn’t blame her either.
Once Bennett was gone, I headed down to her room and knocked on the door. There was no answer. I tried again, but still no answer. Pulling out my cell phone, I called her. Same result. Okay. She was really angry and was avoiding me.
I needed to think about this. I could send her a text message. She could ignore that as well. But I needed help and I think I know just how to do it.
Sorry, Reesa. Your campaign material will have to wait one more day. I have something that needs saving. My relationship with Meri.
There was another knock on my door, and I still wasn’t going to answer it. What part did he not get? I was mad. Didn’t I have the right to be mad? Granted, it had been a couple of hours, but I didn’t get mad often. Maybe it took me longer to get over it than others.
I leaned against the door, feeling emotionally exhausted. Resisting my heart that said,let it go, forgive him, and move on, it was tiring. Logic said that he kept it secret for one reason only. He didn’t want me to grow too attached to him.
Well, that was too late. I did care. I was falling for him and he was leaving. I was prepared for that. I counted down the days and nights knowing all we had was this short window of time. But that wasn’t true. He knew he was staying. He didn’t tell me because he wasn’t feeling the same way.
“Nurse Meri, are you there?” a woman’s voice called out through the door as she knocked again.
I should be thankful that it wasn’t Ryker again. So why wasn’t I?
Oh, sometimes I hate being a woman.
Opening the door I asked, “Hello. Is there something you need?”
“No ma’am. I am delivering something to you. There was a note left for you at the desk.” I took the note, but she didn’t leave. “I was told to wait for a response.”
It had to be from Ryker. What game was he playing now?