Page 76 of Jaylen
"Oh hi." She offered a friendly smile, one hand over her bulging belly. She looked like she was about to pop.
"Hi. You, okay?"
"I am here waiting for my husband. Bill—he works in the accounting division. I went in and the security told me he had already left." She smiled wryly. "We are supposed to go to dinner—" She gave a grimace and pressed her belly.
"Something wrong?" Anika gave her an alarmed look. "You look like you should be in the hospital. When are you due?"
"Not for another three weeks. By the way, my name is Anna Bitters." She had drawn closer. "And I know who you are. Anika Monteith. You are married to Jaylen."
"Yes. Would you like me to take you somewhere?"
"I already called Bill and he is on his way back. Some stupid mix-up."
"What are you having?"
"A boy." Her smile widened. "You?"
"I would rather not say."
"Of course. You are afraid that I am going to blab and it will be all over the papers."
"Something like that. I have to go."
"Thank you for listening." Joelle waited until she had turned to open the door before making her move. The needle was in Anika's arm before she knew it.
"We are going for a ride bitch," Joelle hissed and shoved her into the car. Getting in swiftly, she wrestled Anika over to the passenger side and took the wheel. She was going to change cars in another minute or two. It was all arranged. And it was all coming together.
"Darling, I am officially pissed off now. If you had wanted to get out of going, you should have said so. Where the hell are you?"
He hung up and called the corporate office again, but they told him what they had said before. His wife had left almost an hour ago. And she was not with any of the wives, or with Corey. And she was not answering her phone.
He called his dad.
"No sign of her?"
"No. And she is not picking up. The phone goes straight to voicemail. Are you certain she did not have an appointment? I know she has been meeting with clients over the past weeks."
"No. She said she was heading straight home because of the function you both were attending."
"She would bitch about attending but she would never miss a date. And she would have called." He passed a hand over his hair.
"I can get some of the guys in security to go and retrace her route."
"What about the cameras in the parking lot? Can you ask them to check to make certain she left there?"
"If it would ease your mind, of course. I will call you right back."
"Thanks." He hung up and called his driver. "Hey. I need you to do something for me."
"Wakey, wakey, eggs and baky. Wake up!" Anika surfaced when she felt the nudge of steel against her cheek. "Oh good. You were out the entire journey and I had to drag you inside."
She sat up then, touching a hand to her swimming head. "What—"