Page 75 of Jaylen
Taking a deep breath to further calm herself, she picked up the bottle of prescription meds and hefted it in her palm for a minute before tossing it into a drawstring bag and hiding it away with the other things as well.
It did not do for Daddy to know that she had stopped taking them. They made her loopy anyway and she needed a clear head for what was about to happen.
They were having a son! The uncertainty, the questions about her being a good mother, had disappeared almost overnight. Now, she was in the process of decorating the nursery. Both of them. She had stood her ground about that. She did not want some celebrity baby decorator doing the job, and she had told him that.
"I love you to pieces, but if you go behind my back and hire some company, I am leaving, and I mean it."
"You don't get to threaten me," he snapped. The man was bullheaded, but then again, he had told her she was as stubborn as a mule. They would argue about her care, and he had brought up the subject of her staying home until after the baby was born.
"I am perfectly fine. The nausea is gone as if by magic, and I am more than capable of doing my job. If I was some ordinary woman who had to earn her living, I would be at it until I am ready to pop."
"There is nothing ordinary about you, and you do not need the money."
"You need rest."
"I need rest because you ride me every night and morning."
That had pissed him off even more.
"We make love because we cannot keep away from each other. If you prefer, I can stay in one of the other bedrooms," he had told her stiffly.
"As if that would work. You are my damn husband, and we sleep with each other. You planted your seed in me, mister, and you get to bear the frequent trips to the bathroom and my disgusting habit of passing wind every five seconds."
"You think I care about any of that?" He looked wounded. "I am here—"
"I know you are." Her expression had softened. "I am just saying that I want to do my job. I would go stir-crazy if I am at home. I promise that as soon as I feel uncomfortable, I am going to stop." It had ended that particular argument, but then came the part about the nursery. The man was determined to get on her last nerve.
"You think because I am ridiculously in love with you, that you can twist me around on your little finger?" he had asked softly. "That you can have your way every damn time?"
"I would never use your love for me to get what I want."
He had merely lifted a brow at that. "I was not using your love to have you bring breakfast in bed. That is what a husband is supposed to do for his pregnant wife."
"You sent me to a bakery across town."
"They have the best macarons."
"Mrs. Henson is an excellent cook."
"She is not a pastry chef and I had a craving."
"I almost got mobbed."
"You took that sumo wrestler you called a driver with you."
"Still." He heaved a breath and capitulated. "No heavy lifting."
"I would never dream of it."
Now she was heading home because they had a dinner thing to attend. She loved the man to pieces, but she hated going to functions in the middle of the week.
She was married to Jaylen Monteith and now that the public knew they were pregnant, the interest had picked up again. Which means she would have to go home, slap on makeup, and wear a dress Brandy had chosen for her. It was tiresome.
She was about to press her alarm button when she noticed the woman coming toward her.