Page 27 of Jaylen
“It’s all arranged.” She looked at James. “I was thinking I should call a meeting with my team to apprise them of the situation.”
“Already done.”
She stiffened at that.
“I would have preferred to do it myself.”
“And you can do so when you are back at the office a week from now.”
“A week?”
“Yes.” James nodded. “You just got married and it would be unseemly for you to go back to work on Monday.” He stepped aside and allowed the driver to open the door.
“People will expect you two to spend some time together.”
“I cannot stay away for a week.”
“That was not a request.” With a nod, he turned and walked toward his own vehicle.
“Shall we?”
“Don’t touch me.” The rage was back again and since she could not direct it to the father, she was damn well going to pour it over the son.
“I am not the one you should—”
“You are handy and he is not here.” She slid into the back seat and closed her eyes as the butter soft leather and warmth enveloped her.
“Coffee?” He slid in beside her and touched a button that had a cabinet sliding forward.
“It’s cold.”
“I don’t want you to be nice to me.”
“I am just being courteous. How do you take yours?”
“One cream, two sugars.”
He grimaced as he reached for the cup. “That’s not coffee.”
“It is to me.”
“If you say so.” He handed her the cup. “We could take the week to get to know each other.”
“It’s not a real marriage.”
“The certificate states that it is.” He had programmed his own coffee, black with no additives. “We are going to have to avoid pitfalls by studying up on each other. The week could prepare us for the interview we are going to be doing.”
“I don’t want to do a damn interview," she said huffily. “How the hell are we going to sit there in front of the host and an audience and convince them that we are madly in love?”
He blew on his coffee and eyed her over the time of the cup. “We have a week to pull that off.”
Chapter 6
Corey was there when they arrived at the private building. No perimeter fence surrounded the elegant structure, but there was an outpost with a guard in position.
“What happened to the place you were before?” she asked as they swept up the long driveway.
“Too public. Dad recommended this be our home for now. I think you will like it.”