Page 26 of Jaylen
But she was not going to think about it. Not going to think about the tingling of her senses. She was not going to think about the feel of his strong arms around her.
“I have to go back to my place.”
They were at the private airfield and had landed a few minutes ago.
“To get my stuff.”
“You already have enough things here to last several months," he pointed to the mound of suitcases that were being loaded into the car.
“I still have to go and sort things out. I cannot just not show up—” she broke off as he took her arm and steered her away from the others.
“Going back to your apartment where there are reporters hanging around to interview you, is not a good plan. Dad will get someone to handle the details of the lease and pack up whatever you need.”
She gave him a frustrated look. “They won’t know what I need and I refuse to have some stranger pawing through my stuff.”
“Surely you have someone—”
“Corey.” Dragging her arm away, she reached for her phone.
“That’s the guy you were in the home with.”
“Yes," she said briefly, before walking away to make the call.
He watched her as he stood there leaning on the hood of the vehicle. She had an easy stride, a little seductive and not at all coy. She certainly was not about pretending.
“Everything all right?” He was so busy watching her that he had failed to realize that his father had joined him.
“She is making arrangements to get some things from her apartment.”
“I was in the process of arranging that.”
“She wants someone she knows dealing with it.” He turned to look at the older man.
“You don’t seem displeased at the way things turned out.” Jaylen cocked a brow. “Is it that you are satisfied that I am at last hitched? You have been asking me to settle down and become part of the company. I can assure you that the second is not going to happen. I am still going to be doing what I damn well please.”
“And your decision to go away for six months?”
He turned to look at the woman who was talking and laughing on the phone.
“Obviously, that cannot happen now.”
“You don’t seem too put out about it.”
Jaylen shrugged. “Not particularly.” He looked back at his father. “Don’t get your hopes up. She hates me.”
“Does she?”
“She doesn't want me to touch her and basically thinks I am shallow and vain.”
“Most models are," he pointed out.
“I guess you are right,” Jaylen said easily. He straightened when Anika walked toward them.
“Everything okay?”