Page 20 of That One Puck
And I’m not.
My head drops back against the seat. “I’ve avoided her for a week.”
“We know.”
I open my eyes and roll my head to look at Luke. “She’s been talking to Rose? How is she feeling?”
“She’s… good.” He’s stalling.
“Just tell me. Is something wrong?” I sit up anxiously.
“No, but she had her first appointment two days ago. Rose went with her.”
My hands clench and I turn away from him. Shaking my head, I have no one to blame but myself.
“You need to call her and figure this out, Zeke. It’s not a bad thing. At all. We both saw the difference in you the minute she came around. She’s a calming force for you. That game she was at, you were on fire! Enough so, that coach complimented you. But he also mentioned it to us.”
That gets my attention.
“You know there’s talk about you being a hard player to deal with. I can’t imagine why since you’re always so charming-”
“Cut the shit, Zagari.”
He chuckles. “Coach doesn’t want to lose you once your contract opens. And your attitude improvement when Honey is around is noticeable and makes it a simple choice for Coach and the league to keep you where you’re at.”
“Seems to me it’d do you good to improve your attitude. You’ve got a big hold right here in New York.” Blake states calmly.
“Two big holds.” Luke reiterates.
I’m silent, taking it all in. I know what I should do. I know what’s expected of me as a good man. But how do I make that change? “How do I show the world I can go from playboy to wifed up overnight?”
“Who the fuck cares about the world? There’s only one you need to prove it to.”
He’s right. I sit back and a smile creeps across my lips. “I know exactly how to prove it, too.”
I sit at my desk,daydreaming about my little peanut growing inside me. I had my first appointment last week and though I was later than I should have been to see a doctor, they told me everything looks perfect. I’m fifteen weeks along and the baby is measuring exactly where he or she should.
I feel good. I’m not throwing up every day anymore and the nausea has vanished.
I am, however, horny as hell, which makes me miss Eli. Which then makes me emotional. It’s a vicious cycle.
He hasn’t contacted me since I left his apartment. I had a feeling I wouldn’t be hearing from him for a while. I don’t know Eli well, but I know enough that I know he’ll come around, eventually. He needed a minute to get his thoughts underway. Luke and Blake have been better at explaining his good side. Rose is still on the fence.
There was something about him from the start. That first night, I felt it. It was kismet or serendipitous or fate. All the words my hippie parents would use to say the universe brought us together.
I felt it. And I accepted it. We fit too well.
Rose told me the guys have said he’s been hostile. Which is normal for Eli. The girls and I got together over the weekend and watched them play in Florida. Eli was an animal. He wasn’t fighting, but he was aggressive and I saw it in every move he made. He’s tight with tension and probably a thousand thoughts are running through him.
I don’t want to jeopardize his chances of winning. I know they’re close to making playoffs, but seeing him makes me want to wait for his plane to land and jump into his arms the minute he walks off.
I won’t push him, though.