Page 19 of That One Puck
If they thoughtI was an asshole before, just wait until they get a load of me now. It’s been a week since Honey dropped the bomb on me. I’ve been a recluse except to go to practice or a game, then I come straight home. I don’t answer my texts and I’m ignoring them at the rink.
Raised conservatively, in a good home, I know I’m supposed to step up and be the man that Honey and our baby need. But in reality, I’m a hothead asshole who likes to fight. I’ve fucked my way through most cities and I’m selfish by thinking I’m going to lose that now.
What I’m most afraid of losing? Her. Them. I’m scared to death to fall in love and lose them both. I wouldn’t make it if that happened.
However, since meeting Honey, I haven’t looked twice at another woman. Puck bunnies definitely don’t do it for me. And the nice girls want no part of me. So I’m already halfway fallen.
Honey wants me. And I can’t figure out why.
She’s good, happy, light and everything opposite of me. She loves everyone and wants to make everyone she comes across happy. She gives the benefit of the doubt to everyone she meets and is willing to help whoever needs it.
Maybe I’m a charity case to her.
No. I know that’s not it.
The real reason is because the universe finally said, ‘you need a good woman. We found you one, and this is the only woman who can handle you.’
And I’m not mad about it.
But a dad? How do I go from the bad boy hockey player to the soft stay at home dad? Because I’d need to do that, right? I’d have to quit everything I know. I’d have to stop playing, stop traveling. Fuck. I don’t even know what Honey does for a job. Is she planning on staying in New York? Does she even really like it here?
“Stone! Let’s go!” I’m pulled from my reverie as Luke calls my name to move it along. We’re boarding a plane and heading to Florida for a three game stint. If we sweep, we’ll be in first place which will carry us through to the playoffs. So my mind needs to stay focused right now, even though it’s the hardest thing to do.
Walking onto the plane, I grab the first seat and collapse into it, making a show of throwing my carry-on onto the seat next to me. It’s a clear ‘no one should sit next to me’ sign, but of course, they don’t listen.
Luke throws my bag to the floor and sits down.
“You’re not that bright, are you?” I don’t even look at him when I speak.
“You’re stuck with me for three hours and you’re going to listen.”
Blake comes and sits in the row behind us. “And I’m going to make sure you don’t jump seats to leave.”
Rolling my eyes, I turn myself toward the window and watch as we taxi down the runway. A few minutes later, the wheels are tucked into the belly and we’re cruising to a cool thirty-five thousand feet in the air.
“So, Daddy, how do you feel?”
I snap my head to Luke so fast I think I pull a muscle. “What the fuck! How do you know?”
He laughs and so does Blake. “Oh, come on, Zeke, like the girls don’t talk. Rose told me the minute you guys sat at the booth together last week.”
“And you don’t think that’s inappropriate? Maybe this news is only meant for Honey and I. God, your sister has a big fucking mouth.”
“She does.” Blake coos from the back, and I literally have to hold Luke from going after him.
“Jesus Christ, you two!” Shaking my head, Luke settles back in his seat. “If you want to talk, talk. But fucking stop with the big, bad brother bullshit.”
“Honey told Rose it was okay to tell us. Honey knows no one besides the three girls here in this city. And us, of course.” He pauses. “Hey! I’m about to be an uncle!”
Rolling my eyes at him, I snap back. “She doesn’t know you. Or Blake. Knock it off.”
“She doesn’t know you either,Eli.”
Closing my eyes, I groan inwardly. I was a real asshole to her. Using a different name. I’m a household face. How did I think I was going to get away with that?
Because I think I’m untouchable.