Page 68 of Kenji
“You did it allby yourself.”
“I want to beinvolved. In every aspect. I want to be there for everything good orbad and I’m not going to let you keep me away. Is thatclear?”
“You don’tget to–“
“You talk toomuch.” Lifting her chin, he bent his head and brushed her lipswith his. “I’ve changed my mind.”
“About what?”
“Talking. Ineed to feel you.”
“No. I- “
“No moretalking, darling.” He solved the problem by lifting hereffortlessly into his arms. “I have something planned for you-for us.”
He bounded up thestairs, holding her tight against him. Easing the door open with oneshoulder, he stepped into the cozy bedroom with the queen-sized bed,the dresser and the tiny closet. There was a fireplace there as well,with the flames simmering.
“No.”He stood her next to the bed, hands framing her face.
“I want youfull with food before I fill you with me. One last chance.”
“I’mnot-“ She closed her eyes briefly. “Look, this is- Stoplooking at me like that.”
“Like what?”He was drawing closer to her, his heat swamping her.
“Like that.Like you-“ She shook her head.
“Like I want todevour you?” His hands slipped to her neck where he removed theelastic band from her hair. “Like I want to swallow you whole?That’s because I do.” His hands drifted to her shouldersand down her arms. Lifting the hem of her sweater, he pulled it overher head and dropped it to the floor.
“They’rebigger.” He unclasped the front of her bra and shoved theshoulders off. “I like it.”
“You would.”
“Yes.”He laughed hoarsely. “I have plans for us.” He unhookedher jeans, easing it down. Pushing her back on the bed, he bent totake off her boots before taking off her jeans. He’d told herhe had plans for them but first he was going to work on her.
They had all day andhe was going to keep her in bed. Getting up only to get some foodinside them.
“Make yourselfcomfortable.” Stepping back, he took off his clothes leavinghis underwear on as he went to retrieve the special oil he’dbrought with him. The first time he’d been with her it’dbeen hurried and impulsive. Today it was going to be different.
“I want to giveyou a massage.” Uncapping the bottle he sniffed the fragrancefeeling the headiness getting to him. Pouring some into his palm, herubbed his hands together and moved until he was crouched over her.
“I want you towant me the way I want you.” His cock was already bulging buthe couldn’t concentrate on that now. This was all about her.
She felt a jolt whenhe started at her neck, the oil heating her skin and seeping throughher pores. He pressed his fingers against the pulse beating madly ather throat before going down to rub her arms.
Taking her hands inhis, he put them together as he kissed her knuckles. “I’mgoing to show you so much pleasure you’re going to feel as ifyou have been transported to another world.”
“Quiteconfident of yourself, aren’t you?” She was alreadybreathing too fast, her body moving restlessly.
“Something likethat.” Letting go of her hand he reached for the oil and pouredsome over her breasts. The heat had her jumping slightly. Her eyeswidened as he started to rub the oil into her skin. Her nipplespeaked and blossomed when he circled his finger around the buds, hiseyes watching her reaction.
He massaged herflesh, slowly rubbing so that the oil was soaking into her skin. Itwas a special oil guaranteed to enhance the sexual experience and hecould see it was working. Her skin was jittering, her heart rappingagainst her skin like a trapped bird.
“No.” Herfingers were clenched at her sides, fingers bunching the sheets.
“Sure?”His hands made their way down her stomach where he lingered at theslight bump. He paid special attention rubbing and circling hernavel. The fluttering of her stomach was driving him wild.