Page 67 of Kenji
“No cellservice for miles and the nearest neighbor is three miles away.Approximately. On top of that, it is cold as ice out there.”He’d risen and stood there watching as she paced the area.
“Go to hell.”She blazed at him.
“That’s ano, then. I have hot chocolate in the kitchen with cinnamon andwhipped cream. A specialty of mine.”
He waited a beat forher to respond, and when she didn’t, he turned and walked outof the room, leaving her fuming. She was hungry and the egg sandwichshe’d eaten earlier felt like a lifetime ago.
Ever since she’dbeen discharged from the hospital her appetite had increased. Now shecould feel her belly rumbling. Placing a hand over her slight bulge,she felt her expression softening.
“Your daddyis an ass, but that doesn’t mean I should take it out on you.”Taking a deep breath, she made her way along the narrow passagewayinto the very old-fashioned kitchen to see him seated around theroughly hewn dining table, sipping hot chocolate.
“I can get itfor you.”
“I can get itfor myself.” She went around to an open cupboard and took out amug. To his amusement, she chose to sit at the shiny black and whitecounter, which was the only modern addition to the otherwiseold-fashioned décor.
“How is it?”He asked after she’d taken a few sips.
“Drinkable.”She said briefly, even though the taste of it had her closing hereyes.
“Ah, you woundme, darling.” He was laughing at her.
“Do you ownthis place?”
“No.” Hecradled the cup between his palms. “Jackson and Jason Colby ownit”
“Do they knowyou’re trespassing?”
“They do and,if that’s the case, then I’m not trespassing. I neededsomewhere I can be alone with you.”
“To havesex.”
“To talk andthen make love.” His eyes smoldered as he continued to stare ather. “That will be much later unless you want us to go andspend the rest of the afternoon in bed.”
He shrugged, thesmile tugging at his lips. “Sure?”
“I don’twant to talk.”
“Then thealternative is to get you in bed.”
“Is that yourgrand plan?” Her dark brown eyes sizzled at him. “Keep mein bed until I start to like you?”
His eyes smoldered asIt ran over her face and touched on her bosom. “Believe me whenI tell you that when I get you there, you'll change your mind aboutme.”
Her breathing wasconstricted and the heat she was feeling wasn’t only from thefire in the small fireplace. “Is sex the only thing you canthink of?”
“At the moment,yes.” He finished the drink and rose gracefully. Chantelleforced herself not to jump to her feet. “Finished?” Heasked her softly as he came to stand next to her.
“No. Just leaveme alone.”
“Not going tohappen, darling.” He cupped her face, spinning her around sothat he was between her thighs. “That was the problem in thefirst place. I couldn’t stay away from you.” One handdropped to her slight bulge.
His eyes flew to herswhen he felt the faint stirring. “That’s our baby.”He whispered huskily. He was so overwhelmed he couldn’t standit. “You tried to keep this – this miracle from me?”