Page 6 of Kenji
"She went to thespa this morning with some friends." Jason busied himself withthe oatmeal, scooping it into his mouth.
"Jason, I knowyou don't want to hear-"
"Then don't sayit."
"I’m stillgoing to say my piece." She plodded on firmly. "You andSara are a lovely couple and I’d hate to see that disintegratebecause you’re too stubborn to listen to reason. There arehundreds, make that thousands, of children out there who’d begrateful for the lovely home you can provide."
"Children whoaren't really mine." He spat out bitterly, reaching for his cup."Not of my blood."
"I wasn’tof your dad's blood and he embraced me." She pointed outquietly. "He accepted me as his own and the only thing I didn’thave was his name and that was because he wanted me to remember whomy father was."
She reached out toplace a hand over his. "I loved him as if he was my own fleshand blood. He provided a wonderful home for me and Mom and I’mstill reaping the benefits of his generosity."
"I want to havemy own child, Chan." There was a bleak expression on his face."Someone who looks like me. A boy or a girl who inherits certaintraits - someone to carry on my name."
"You can havethat with a baby you adopt."
He removed his handand used it to wrap around his coffee cup. “We’ve beenmarried for almost six years with nothing to show for it and thearguments are getting worse."
"That's becauseyou won’t listen to reason. What's the harm in checking it out?You have an excellent lawyer on retainer who I’m sure would bewilling to guide you through the various phases."
"I have to thinkabout it." He muttered.
She didn’tremind him that he’d been thinking about it for years. Noticinghis cup was empty, she rose to get the pot.
She had Sundays offand, during that time, she tried to cram in everything she wanted todo. After Jason left, she tidied the kitchen and then tackled thelaundry. She could easily afford help.
Along with theexcellent salary, she had the insurance money from her mother and asizable inheritance from her stepfather. She was so rarely at homethough that the usual household dust didn’t get a chance togather. Once a month, she’d send for someone at the agency todo a thorough clean, from top to bottom.
It was approachingThanksgiving and that was the planned grand opening of therestaurant. She had some ideas to pitch to Kane as soon as he wasback from wherever he’d gone to. The man had business interestsall over the world and he and his wife did a great deal of traveling.
The restaurant wasnew, so he was spending more time there to get her acclimatized."After the first three months, you’ll be on your own."He’d warned her. "I’m just here to guide youthrough. Don’t worry, I have every confidence you’ll dojust fine."
She’d toldherself she would be just fine. She’d mentioned to Jason it wassomething new to her, but it was a challenge she intended to tacklehead on. She was in charge of the entire operation, something thatcould be a little daunting if she let it.
For the first time inher life, she had people working under her. It was exhilarating aswell as intimidating.
She was responsiblefor their well-being and was careful to strike a balance. She wasnever going to be like Kane, who with one look from those piercingand intense black eyes could send someone scurrying, but she wasdetermined to be fair.
She’d alsolearned she couldn’t be their superior and their friend at thesame time. She could certainly live with that. She had her ownfriends outside the restaurant.
She was dumping thelaundry into the dryer when her phone rang. Sliding it out of herpocket, she felt the pleasure coursing through her as she looked atthe LED. Work had called several times and she’d dealt withseveral minor hiccups, but this time it was a call she’d beenwaiting on for weeks.
"You’reback." Pressing the knob to get the dryer going, she moved awayand went into the living room. "When?"
"Just lastnight. The flight got delayed and we had to sit in the airport forclose to two hours. You can imagine how pissed I was."
"You’reback now, though."
"I’m backand can’t wait to see you. I brought you back some goodies."
"I asked you notto."
"Too bad. I’mon my way over. I just have to make a stop and then I’ll bethere. We’re going out later tonight."
"I figured youwould be too tired to go anywhere."