Page 5 of Kenji
“With Kenji andChantelle?”
“I will agreeto anything if you slide yourself inside me. I’m wet darling –soaking wet.”
He broke off a groan,his body vibrating. “We should do something about it, then.”
Lifting her slenderbody a few inches, he lowered her until she was wrapped around him.“How is that?” He asked, kissing her lips.
Chapter 2
The house wascomfortable. It was more than that actually. It was big and spaciousand had a backyard with a large deck. It was situated in aneighborhood where the houses weren’t close together.
It belonged to herstepfather, who’d moved both her and her mom in when she was agirl. Chantelle recalled how intimidated she’d been by both theman and the house and scared of her stepbrother who was five yearsolder than her.
George had loved hermother and had embraced her. There’d been a few bumps along theway with Jason, but they’d grown close over the years.
He’d opted tolive elsewhere. George had been a very successful real estate agentand owned several houses and apartments. He’d split theinheritance equally between her and Jason and her stepbrother hadn’tminded.
"You were morehis daughter." He’d assured her. "Your mother waswonderful to me. You are my sister, Chan, nothing less.”
He was married andliving several miles away, but she made it her duty for them to meetevery Sunday. He’d followed into his father's footsteps and wasnow running the company.
The only bump in hissolid life was the lack of children and she knew it was a sore pointbetween him and his wife. She’d seen the sadness there and washoping he’d finally agree to adoption.
He was just pullinginto the driveway as she opened the door. "You’re early."She exclaimed in delight.
Jason Whittaker was astrapping six foot two inches well-built man in his early thirtieswith a smooth chocolate complexion and waves in his expertly cutblack hair. His dark-brown eyes twinkled as he bounded up the stepsand came toward her.
"I had a meetingwith a client." He embraced her, before stepping in out of thecold and closing the door. "I’m surprised you’re up.Didn't you work late last night?"
"You know Ican’t sleep past eight o’clock." She took his coatand hung it up before linking her hand through his arm as they madetheir way to the black and white kitchen.
"I smell hotchocolate." He sniffed the air as he took a seat around the widecounter.
"I'm makingoatmeal, Mom's special recipe."
"Now I’mdelighted I decided to stop by.” He watched as she bustledaround the stove. “How’s the restaurant?"
"Wonderful."She gushed, stirring the pot before going over to pour them coffee."I never thought I’d enjoy anything like that." Shehanded him the cup and settled across from him. "It's newterritory for me, but I’m learning. Also, the celebrities keeppouring in."
"Knowing you,you maintain that professional manner, even though you’re likea schoolgirl inside."
She laughed easily."You know me too well. Kane is nice-" She shook her head asthat wasn’t enough. "He’s a man of few words, buthe’s a stand-up employer. I can’t believe I’mworking for Kane Takahashi."
"The wife isn’tbad, either."
"Kelly iswonderful. You’d expect a woman like her to hide behind a mask,but she doesn't. She’s as real as they come."
"What about thatwretched cousin?" Jason raised a brow at her. She’d toldhim about the several encounters with Kenji since she’d startedthere. "He still giving you problems?”
The mention of hisname was enough to put a damper on her mood. “I’veemployed a new strategy by ignoring him." Hopping off the stool,she turned off the flames and reached for two bowls.
"Is it working?"
"So far."She didn’t want to talk about Kenji Lee. He didn’t botherher or so she told herself. Setting the bowl and spoon before him,she sat back down. "How’s Sara?" She asked, referringto his wife.