Page 55 of Kenji
He’d stormedout of the restaurant in anger, but the guy was right, and he was notnaïve. There were going to be big changes. She was carrying thebaby of a very powerful family. It wasn’t going to be easy.
She could resist, butin the end, she wasn’t going to win. As much as Kane Takahashirespected and liked her as an employee, his first loyalty was to hiscousin. Both of them were forces to be reckoned with.
He tapped his fingerson the steering wheel. The bastard had declared his love for her. Itcould be a ploy to get her to drop her guard so she could fall inline. He shook his head. He could just force her hand; men like himhad lawyers on retainer. He could get them to descend on her like apack of wolves, and she wouldn’t stand a chance.
He hoped to God hewas telling the truth and not just playing a sick game. If he wastelling the truth and he was really in love with Chan, then that wasentirely different. Chan was stubborn, and it was going to take ahell of a lot to get her to open herself up again.
Kenji went back andcloseted himself inside the large office that had been his dad's. Hehadn’t made any changes since he’d taken over. What wouldbe the point? He was hardly here anyway, but now things weredifferent.
A path had beenchosen for him. He was going to be a father, and the idea of thatscared him to death. He was faced with a troubling situation that hadeclipsed his former problems.
Kane had asked if hewas okay, and he’d said yes. He needed some time to think, buthe was furious with himself. He needed her and had to find a way tomake that known. He could play hardball and get his lawyers involved.After all, she was carrying the Lee's heir.
He didn’t wantto go to that extent. She’d hate him, and he wouldn’tstand a chance in the long run. He had to find another way. He had totry and convince Chantelle he was sorry, and it would never happenagain.
He had no idea how hewas going to pull that off, but he was damn well going to try.
Chapter 12
There was a ‘WelcomeBack’ banner inside her office when she returned; the sentimentbehind it and the rousing applause from the staff had tears gatheringat the back of her eyes. She’d been gone for two weeks, and itfelt like two months.
Olivia had clearedher and declared she was doing much better. She still got sick in themornings, but it was manageable. She’d managed to put back onsome of the weight she’d lost. Caleb also told her she didn’tlook like something the cat dragged in.
"You almost looklike you again." he had declared with a grin. "I can’tbelieve you are four months pregnant and not showing."
"That’llsoon change."
Now, she was back andready to roll. She’d been working from home. The weddings werescheduled, and she’d been consulting with the wedding plannersand the chef to make sure everything was up to scratch.
Kenji hadn’ttried to contact her, which she found very strange. She was hoping hewas respecting her wish. She couldn’t deal with him now.
She’d told Kaneand Caleb that she knew she was going to have to eventually, and shehad no intention of cutting him out of the child's life - as if shecould! She needed time, and he was damn well going to give it to her.
She’d barelysettled in her office when she received the summons. When she camein, Kane hadn’t been there, but he must have arrived during theexcitement. Closing her eyes briefly and straightening her sweater,she rose to her feet.
The last time theymet, it hadn’t been particularly pleasant. They’d spokenover the phone several times, and he’d inquired about herhealth, but she’d said some harsh words to him.
He was still heremployee, and she loved her job. The situation was complicated, andshe was very embarrassed that she’d allowed herself to getcaught up like this. However, it was done, and there was nothing shecould do about it.
Knocking on the door,she waited until he called for her to enter before pushing it open.He was standing behind his desk, staring at something on his laptop.
"Have a seat."He gestured to one of the comfortable chairs and continued to tap onthe keys. "I was supposed to have been in a conference meeting.Associates from China and Korea." He made one final tap beforeturning his attention to her.
Chantelle forcedherself not to squirm as those intense eyes studied her face. A pangtouched her as she recognized how much he looked like Kenji. The sameshape of the face and eyes and the long, lean body. "How areyou?"
"I’mfine." She pressed her lips as she realized how abrupt thatsounded. "I’ve been cleared by my doctor to return."
He nodded. "Andemotionally?"
She stiffened atthat. "I can assure you I’m perfectly capable of doing myjob. I’m pregnant, not dying."
A slight smiletouched his firm lips. "Good enough."
She shifted in herseat and told herself she shouldn’t be asking. "Is he- Ishe still here?"
"Yes." Hetold her briefly. “I told him to give you time.”