Page 54 of Kenji
"Watch it."The fury was contained, but Kane, who knew his cousin well, saw thewarning signs. He’d intended to leave them alone to talk, butthat wasn’t a good idea at the moment.
"Gentlemen."Positioning himself between the two, he held up a hand. "Emotionsare high at this point, but we can agree to have a civilizeddiscussion about a woman we all admire and respect."
"I want to seeher." Kenji began. "I know you don’t think too highlyof me, but that's beside the point. She’s carrying my baby, andI want to be there for her."
"I’m therefor her. So is her brother."
"I’m thefather-"
"Which is anunfortunate detail, but what can we do?'
Kenji's eyes flashed."Look, I just need you to pave the way-"
"Not a chance inhell."
Kenji's fingersballed, and he could feel the grip he had on his temper easing off."I don’t need your permission."
Caleb smiled thinly."Like hell you don't. She doesn’t want to have anything todo with you. If you’re thinking of having your fancy lawyersharass her, you can think again. I might not have the money, thepower, or the reach you have, but I’m going to stand with her."
"You wouldn’tstand a chance."
"Probably not.Possibly not." Caleb shrugged. "That would accomplish onething. She’d hate you even more."
Kenji turned aroundand went to stand at the window. "I love her."
"That'sconvenient." Caleb snorted.
"I thought itwas just a fling," He continued. "I’m in love withher, and I need to be with her. I just want a chance."
"To hurt heragain?"
"No." Heswung around, eyes hollow. “To show her that I’m here andthat I will be here."
"Chantelle isstubborn, and she has her mind made up."
"You can changeit. I’m not accustomed to begging, but here I am. You can askher to at least see me. You’re her best friend, her confidante,and I need you to ask her to give me a chance."
The resolute tone hadKenji seeing red. “No? Why the hell not?”
“It has to beher choice. You did a number on her, and it’s still costingher. I was there." His expression hardened. "I was therewhen she told me you wanted her. I was there when you had your waywith her and left.
I was there when shediscovered that moment or whatever had consequences, then when shestarted hurling and couldn’t stop, I was also there. I thoughtwe were going to lose her, and I damn well prayed."
His eyes flashed. "Sono, I’m not going to intervene for you. If you really mean itthat you love her, you’d damn well better fight tooth and nailfor her. Because, brother, she isn’t going to make it easy onyou." With that, he turned and walked out.
Kenji slumped backagainst the window and closed his eyes. "You tried. We didn’tcome to blows. That's something, I guess."
"What now?"Kane asked him quietly.
"Back to myoriginal plan or yours. Waiting until she’s back." hesmiled grimly. "Get in her face, constantly. She’s goingto have a difficult time ignoring me."
Caleb drove out ofthe parking lot and stopped at the park nearby. Spring had finallyarrived, and people were taking advantage of the weather. A frowncrossed his brow as he stared at the children playing on the swings.Very soon, that would be Chantelle and the baby she was carrying.