Page 46 of Kenji
“I never gaveher that promise.”
He gave her alook. “Please don’t interfere. They’re going tohave to sort things out between themselves. He should be backsoon.”
“What if he’snot?”
“I’llfind him and drag him back. He has a child on the way and a companyto run.”
Chantelle had to betaken to the emergency room two days later. “You’resuffering from what’s known as Hyperemesis Gravidarum, severenausea.” Dr. Olivia Branson told her soberly. “Your bloodpressure is also low.
We’re going tobe keeping you in until you’re feeling better.” Shepatted Chantelle’s hand reassuringly. She and Caleb had goneout several times, and it seemed like things were heating up.
“I feel likecrap,” Chantelle admitted.
“Somepregnancies are like that. I’m just going to assure Caleb thatyou are on the mend.” Her eyes sharpened. “If I was aninsecure woman, I’d resent you right now. That man dotes onyou.”
“We’vebeen through some rough times. He’s like a brother to me.”
“He loves you,and for a man like that to show so much devotion, he’s a realguy in my book.” She patted Chantelle’s hand again.“You’ll get through this.”
“Of course.It’s just that I left things up in the air at the restaurant-“
“Kane calledand said not to worry about anything. He said something about comingto see you. He and that beautiful wife of his. He’s a stand-upemployer.”
She didn’tbother to mention the reason why. “He is. I think I’velost about ten pounds, and my stomach feels hollow.”
“That’sexpected. Well, honey, let me go get that man before he goes out ofhis mind.”
She was dozing offwhen he came into the room. “You’d do anything to get myattention, wouldn’t you?” Pulling up a chair, he scannedher face, his heart fluttering. She looked so thin and drawn hewanted to gather her into his arms.
“You know me.”She smiled weakly. “You’re making Olivia jealous.”
“Sheunderstands you’re my priority.”
“I didn’twant that.” She pressed his hand. “You deserve a life.”
“I have one,and you’re a big part of it.” Lifting her hand, he kissedit gently.
“I’m sotired and scared. I thought I didn’t want this baby, but I did.I keep thinking I’m going to miscarry.”
“You won’t.In the next five months or so, we’re going to be holding thelittle sucker in our arms. Now, I want you to promise me something.”
“That Iwon’t throw up on that nice shirt of yours?” She teased.
“That too.”He smiled slightly. “I don’t want you to worry aboutanything. Absolutely nothing. Just concentrate on getting better.”
“I’m tootired to think anyway.”
“I’ll beback later.”
“You don’thave to- “
Placing a fingerover her lips, he stopped her from saying more. “I have to.Sleep tight, sweetheart.” He watched her eyes flicker shut andwaited a few minutes before leaving the room. He found Olivia waitingfor him in the lobby. “Walk with me.”
“She looksthin and emaciated. That can’t be good. How is the –“He gestured with one hand as they made their way out into the parkinglot. “How is the baby?”