Page 45 of Kenji
“Please don’ttell him.”
“I can’t-“his voice petered off when she held up a hand.
“It’sbetween us. I want to be the one to tell him; it has to be mydecision.”
“I have to askyou something. It’s none of my business, but I have to ask. Areyou planning on keeping it?”
Her dark eyesflashed. “It’s not an ‘it.’ I have a babygrowing inside me. A flesh and blood person and it doesn’tmatter how he or she came about; it matters I’m going to lovehim or her no matter what.”
“I apologize.I’m afraid I overstepped the mark.”
“No.” Shesighed. “For the past three months, it’s been arollercoaster ride with my emotions swinging one way then thenext.”
“How are youdoing?”
“I’mfeeling better now, but most days, it’s a chore to get out ofbed.”
“You’reseeing a doctor, of course.”
“Yes. She’svery good.”
He started toreach out a hand but drew back. “If there’s anything- “
“No.” Sheshook her head. “I don’t need anything right now, but Iappreciate the gesture.”
“I’mgoing to strangle him.”
Her sudden laughterturned into a sob that had him reaching out to draw her against hisshoulders. “I’m sorry.” She whispered.
“You have noreason to apologize.” He told her grimly, one hand rubbing herback. There was a discreet knock on the door before it was pushedopen.
“I was calling- “Kelly took in the scene at aglance as she came into the room.
“I- God, thisis so embarrassing.” Chantelle pulled away and got to her feet.“Please feel free to tell her. I – I have to go.”Before they could say anything, she swept out of the room and closedthe door behind her.
“If I was aninsecure woman, I’d be lashing out now.” She saidteasingly. A frown touched her brow as she watched her husband riseand, without greeting her in his customary manner, went to sit behindhis desk. “What did I interrupt?”
“She’scarrying Kenji’s child.” He told her abruptly, gesturingfor her to sit.
“Oh, Lord.”Kelly sank gracefully into the chair. “She’s what? Aboutthree months pregnant?”
“Yes.” Herubbed his forehead wearily.
“You have tofind him and drag him back.”
He smiled slightly.“I suggested doing something like that, but she made me promisenot to say anything. She said she wants to tell him herself.”
“What a damnmess.” Kelly groaned. “What the hell is Kenji thinking?”
“I can’tanswer that.” He leaned back in his seat wearily. “Wehave to be there for her.”
“I agreewith you on that.” Rising gracefully, she went around to sit onthe edge of his desk, facing him. “You're upset. Do you feelguilty?”
“He’s myfamily.” He pointed out grimly.
“He’s agrown-ass man who is responsible for his own actions.” Takinghis hand, she sandwiched it between hers. “The guilt is his.”
“I guess.”He didn’t sound convinced. “I gave her my word. I won’tsay anything.”